
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ 国連安全保障理事会:国際刑事裁判所(ICC)への協力をスーダンに働きかけよ



(New York, December 8, 2010) – Members of the United Nations Security Council should use the International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor’s briefing on his Darfur investigation on December 9, 2010, to send a strong message to Sudan to cooperate with the court, Human Rights Watch said today.


 The ICC prosecutor’s briefing comes one month ahead of Sudan’s referendum on self-determination for the southern part of the country, scheduled for January 2011.


 “Security Council members shouldn’t let Sudan’s upcoming vote detract from the government’s obligation to cooperate with the ICC on Darfur,” said Richard Dicker, director of the International Justice Program at Human Rights Watch. “Turning a blind eye to justice can cause instability down the road.”


 International attention has shifted from Darfur to implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, which ended Sudan’s 22-year civil war, and the important upcoming referendum. While countries have a range of interests in relation to Sudan, insistence on cooperation with the ICC should nevertheless remain a priority if impunity is to be overcome, Human Rights Watch said. Human Rights Watch’s research in many countries has shown that the failure to hold perpetrators of the most serious international crimes to account can fuel future abuses.


 Intensified fighting between government and rebel forces, and among other armed groups, has killed hundreds of civilians in Darfur so far in 2010. In early September, government-supported militias attacked Tabra market in North Darfur, killing at least 37 civilians. A government pledge to investigate alleged human rights and humanitarian law violations there has yet to yield prosecutions. Government attacks on several villages in eastern Jebel Marra in late September and early October led to additional civilian deaths, mass displacements, and destruction of civilian property.

政府と反乱軍そして他の武装勢力の間で行われていた戦闘は激しさを増し、2010年中これまでにも、ダルフールでは数百名の民間人が殺害されている。9月初旬、政府支援の民兵が北ダルフール(North Darfur)にあるタブラ(Tabra)市場を攻撃して、少なくとも37名の民間人を殺害した。人権法及び人道法に対する違反がそこであったという疑惑に対して、政府はそれを調査すると約束したが、今のところ訴追には至っていない。9月下旬と10月初旬には、政府軍がジェベル・マーラ(Jebel Marra)の幾つかの村を攻撃、民間人に更なる死者を出すとともに、集団強制退去と民間資産破壊をもたらした。

 In 2005, the Security Council referred the situation in Darfur to the ICC under Resolution 1593, which obligates Sudan to cooperate with the court. On June 16, 2008, the Security Council reaffirmed this commitment in a unanimous presidential statement calling on the government of Sudan and parties to the conflict to cooperate with the court.


 The ICC has issued arrest warrants for three individuals for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide as part of its Darfur investigation. In April 2007, the court issued warrants for Ahmed Haroun, then the country's minister for humanitarian affairs and now governor of Southern Kordofan state, and Ali Kosheib, whose real name is Ali Mohammed Ali, a “Janjaweed” militia leader. In March 2009, the court issued the first of two arrest warrants for Sudan’s president, Omar al-Bashir. The prosecutor is also pursuing cases against three Darfuri rebel leaders for an attack carried out on September 29, 2007, which killed 12 African Union peacekeepers at a base in Haskanita, Darfur.

ICCはダルフール調査の一環として、個人3名に戦争犯罪・人道に反する罪・虐殺の容疑で逮捕状を発行してきている。2007年4月、同裁判所は当時同国人道問題担当大臣であり現在南コルドファン(Southern Kordofan)州知事であるアハムド・ハラウン(Ahmed Haroun)及び民兵組織“ジャンジャウィード”の指導者であるアリ・コシェイブ(Ali Kosheib:本名はアリ・モハメド・アリ)に対して逮捕状を発行。2009年3月にはスーダン大統領オマル・アル-バシル(Omar al-Bashir)に対する現在2通出されている逮捕状の内の最初のものを発行した。又、2007年9月29日、ダルフールのハスカニタ(Haskanita)にある基地がダルフール人反乱軍に攻撃され、アフリカ連合平和維持軍兵士12名が殺害されたのだが、検察官はその攻撃を実行した指導者3名をも追跡中である。

 Following three years of inaction by Sudan to hand over any of the suspects, the ICC prosecutor on April 19 asked the court to issue a finding of non-cooperation in the execution of warrants for Haroun and Kosheib under article 87 of the Rome Statute, which established the court. On May 25, the ICC made an unprecedented decision to send the finding of non-cooperation on the arrest warrants to the Security Council, “for the Security Council to take any action it may deem appropriate.” The council has a range of options to respond to the ICC’s finding, such as resolutions, sanctions, and presidential statements.

スーダンが容疑者の引き渡しに関して3年間何の措置も取らなかったことを受けて、ICC検察官は4月19日に同裁判所に対して、ローマ規定(Rome Statute:同裁判所を設立した条約)第87条のもと、ハラウンとコシェイブへの逮捕状執行に関して非協力であったという裁定を下すよう申し立てた。5月25日、ICCは安全保障理事会に逮捕状に関する非協力裁定を送付し、「安全保障理事会に対して適切と思われる措置を講じるよう求める」という、前例のない決定を行った。同理事会はICC裁定に対応すべく、決議採択・制裁措置・議長声明など様々な選択肢を持っている。

 “It has been months since the ICC asked the Security Council to act on Sudan’s failure to cooperate,” Dicker said. “Security Council members should use the opportunity of the prosecutor’s briefing to press for Sudan’s cooperation and demonstrate their concern for justice in Darfur.”


 The briefing on Darfur takes place as representatives of the ICC’s 114 member countries meet in New York at the Assembly of States Parties. Strengthening state cooperation with the ICC was featured among the topics for the meeting. The Assembly of States Parties was created by the Rome Statute to provide management oversight of the court’s administration. It consists of representatives of each state member and is required to meet at least once a year.


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