
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ イスラエル ガザ地区:白旗を掲げている者を殺害した事件への捜査が進展

イスラエル ガザ地区:白旗を掲げている者を殺害した事件への捜査が進展


 (Jerusalem, September 10, 2009) – The Israeli military police decision to interview Palestinian witnesses to a case where an Israeli soldier allegedly shot three young girls and their grandmother holding white flags during the fighting in Gaza marks a positive development, Human Rights Watch said today. Two of the girls died.


Human Rights Watch called on Israel to conduct thorough and impartial investigations into all allegations of serious laws-of-war violations by its forces during the December-January conflict in Gaza.


In a report published on August 13, Human Rights Watch documented the incident in which an Israeli soldier allegedly fired upon two women and three young girls who were holding makeshift white flags outside their home in the Jabalya neighborhood of Izbt ‘Abd Rabbo. Amal ‘Abd Rabbo, 2, and Su’ad ‘Abd Rabbo, 7, were killed, and their sister, Samar ‘Abd Rabbo, 4, was paralyzed below the waist. Their grandmother, also Su’ad ‘Abd Rabbo, 54, was wounded. The family told Human Rights Watch that they had come out of their house in response to orders from an Israeli soldier when fighting in the area had ceased.

8月13日に公表したレポートで、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチはその事件をとりまとめていた。その事件では、あるイスラエル兵士がイズブト・アブド・ラッボ近郊のジャバルヤにある自宅外で、間に合わせの白旗を掲げていた女性2名と少女3名に発砲したと言われている。アマル・アブド・ラッボ(2歳:Amal ‘Abd Rabbo)とスアド・アブド・ラッボ(7歳:Su’ad ‘Abd Rabbo)が殺害され、姉妹であるサマル・アブド・ラッボ(4歳:Samar ‘Abd Rabbo)は下半身マヒとなった。祖母のスアド・アブド・ラッボ(54歳:Su’ad ‘Abd Rabbo)も負傷した。家族はヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチに「イスラエル兵士からの命令に応えて家の外に出た。その時その地区での戦闘は止んでいた。」と語っている。

Human Rights Watch’s on-the-ground investigations found no evidence of Palestinian fighters in the area at the time. Three eyewitness accounts and corroborating evidence including tank tracks, spent bullet casings, an ammunition box found at the scene, and an examination of the grandmother by forensic experts indicate that an Israeli soldier fired upon identifiable and unarmed women and children.


The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) initially dismissed Human Rights Watch’s findings about the case as based on “unreliable witness reports,” but on September 2 Israeli military police interviewed the grandmother, Su’ad ‘Abd Rabbo, and the girls’ father, Khaled ‘Abd Rabbo, who also witnessed the shooting. The two traveled to the Erez border crossing between Israel and Gaza. Khaled ‘Abd Rabbo told Human Rights Watch that two Israeli investigators with interpreters interviewed them separately for several hours.


 “Israel’s decision to ask Palestinian witnesses for their side of the story is appropriate and overdue,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East and North Africa director at Human Right Watch. “We hope this signals a determination to obtain all relevant evidence and vigorously pursue justice for the ‘Abd Rabbo family.”


Before withdrawing from Gaza on January 18, Israeli forces destroyed the ‘Abd Rabbo family’s house as well as many other homes in the eastern part of the neighborhood. Interviews with 17 residents indicate that most of the destruction in Izbt ‘Abd Rabbo occurred after January 14, but that Israeli forces controlled the area from January 7 until the end of the conflict.


In June 2009, three Palestinian and Israeli human rights groups, Al Mezan, Al Haq, and Adalah, submitted a complaint to the Israeli military advocate general calling for an investigation into the killing of the two ‘Abd Rabbo girls. The complaint also addressed the killing of Adham Khamis Mohammad Naseir, 37, who was reportedly shot and killed while trying to help evacuate the wounded family members.

2009年6月、パレスチナ人及びイスラエル人の人権保護3団体、アル・メザン(Al Mezan)、アル・ハク(Al Haq)、アダラー(Adalah)はイスラエル軍法務官に対して、アブド・ラッボ家の2名の少女の殺害に関する捜査を行うよう求める、訴状を提出した。訴状は又、負傷した家族を避難の手助けをしていて銃撃され殺された、アダム・カミス・モハマッド・ナセイル(37歳:Adham Khamis Mohammad Naseir)殺害事件解決にも取り組んでいる。

Samar ‘Abd Rabbo was transferred for medical treatment to Egypt and then Belgium, where she was later joined by her mother and two brothers.


On July 29, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a report that said Israel is conducting 13 criminal investigations and approximately 100 “field investigations” into allegations of violations by its forces in Gaza during “Operation Cast Lead.” One of the field investigations, into “allegations regarding the shooting of civilians carrying white flags that killed two civilians” in the “Abed Rabu neighbourhood” on January 7, appeared to be the case of Amal and Su’ad ‘Abd Rabbo. Human Rights Watch has reported that past Israeli field investigations – which are typically conducted by military personnel within the relevant unit’s chain of command and do not involve contacting Palestinian witnesses – have been flawed and rarely led to prosecutions.

7月29日、イスラエル外務省は、イスラエルが“カスト・レッド作戦”の際のガザ地区で自軍による違反容疑に対して、13件の刑事捜査とおよそ100件び現場調査を行っていると述べた。現場調査の内の1件は、1月7日に“アブ・ラブ(Abed Rabu)付近で白旗を持っていた民間人に対する銃撃があり、民間人2名を殺害した事件に関連する申し立てに対してのものであり”、それはアマルとサマル・アブド・ラッボの事件であると思われる。過去のイスラエルの現場調査は・・・典型的には関係する指揮系統内の軍関係者によって行われ、連絡してきたパレスチナ人目撃者を含んでいない・・・・欠陥だらけであり殆どの場合訴追に結びつかない、とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは報告してきた。

The military advocate general has the authority to decide whether or not to open a criminal investigation into this case.


To date, the IDF has not answered any of the detailed questions from Human Rights Watch about its investigations into “white flag” killings in Gaza, and has not agreed to requests to meet to discuss these concerns. These cases involved the alleged shooting of 11 civilians who were in groups waving white pieces of cloth or scarves to convey their civilian status.

今日までIDFは、ガザ地区でおきた “白旗”殺害事件に関する調査についての、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチからの詳細な質問に関して一切回答してこなかったし、関連事項を議論するための会談要請にも合意してこなかった。これらの事件は民間人であることを伝えるために白い布切れやスカーフをグループで振っていた、民間人11名への銃撃事件容疑も含んでいた。

Israel has an obligation under international law to investigate credible allegations of laws-of-war violations by its forces and, where violations are found, to punish those responsible. Human rights organizations, the media, the United Nations, and Israeli soldiers have reported such incidents that took place during IDF military operations in Gaza in January.


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