
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ スーダンと戦争法に関するQ&A 後半

  1. What are the legal protections for hospitals, medical personnel, and ambulances?

10. 病院、衛星要員、救急車への法的保護とは?

Medical units are civilian objects that have special protections under the laws of war. They include hospitals, clinics, medical centers, and similar facilities, whether military or civilian. While other presumptively civilian structures become military objectives if they are being used for a military purpose, hospitals lose their protection from attack only if they are being used, outside their humanitarian function, to commit “acts harmful to the enemy.”


Several types of acts do not constitute “acts harmful to the enemy,” such as the presence of armed guards, or when small arms from the wounded are found in a hospital. Even if military forces misuse a hospital to store weapons or shelter able-bodied combatants, the attacking force must issue a warning to cease this misuse, setting a reasonable time limit for it to end, and attacking only after such a warning has gone unheeded.


Under the laws of war, doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel must be permitted to do their work and be protected in all circumstances. They lose their protection only if they commit, outside their humanitarian function, acts harmful to the enemy, such as initiating military attacks against opposing forces.


Likewise, ambulances and other medical transportation must be allowed to function and be protected in all circumstances. They lose their protection only if they are being used to commit acts harmful to the enemy, such as transporting ammunition or healthy fighters.



  1. Are warring parties permitted to target infrastructure such as airports, roads, and bridges?

11.  戦闘当事勢力による空港、道路、橋などのインフラへの攻撃は許される?

Civil airports, roads, and bridges are civilian objects that become military objectives subject to attack if they are actually used for military purposes or military objectives are located on or within them. Even then, the rule of proportionality applies, requiring the parties to the conflict to weigh the short and long-term harm on civilians against the military advantage served; they must consider all ways of minimizing the impact on civilians; and they should not undertake attacks if the expected civilian harm outweighs the definite military advantage.



  1. What obligations do warring parties have to property, against pillaging?

12.  戦闘当事勢力は、略奪に対抗する、どのような財産への義務を負っているのか?

During armed conflicts, parties are prohibited from destroying or confiscating private or public property unless absolutely necessary for military operations. In areas they control, a party may requisition property to cover the immediate needs of its forces by paying for it. However, in non-international armed conflicts, property including food, relief, and medical supplies cannot be requisitioned if it would deprive the population of goods and objects needed for their survival. International law does not prohibit parties in non-international armed conflicts from seizing military weapons and equipment belonging to the adversary.


Pillage – the looting, plunder, or theft of property for either personal or a warring party’s benefit – is prohibited and amounts to a war crime under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and customary international law. Both civilians and combatants can be held liable for carrying out pillage. Deliberate attacks on cultural property, including historical monuments and buildings dedicated to art and religion, are also war crimes, unless being used for military purposes.



  1. What obligations do warring parties have to populations in need?

13. 困窮している人々に戦闘当事勢力はどのような義務を負っているか?

Under international humanitarian law, parties to a conflict must allow and facilitate the rapid and unimpeded passage of impartially distributed humanitarian aid to the population in need. The belligerent parties must consent to allowing relief operations to take place and may not refuse such consent on arbitrary grounds. They can take steps to control the content and delivery of humanitarian aid, such as to ensure that consignments do not include weapons. However, deliberately impeding relief supplies is prohibited.


In addition, international humanitarian law requires that belligerent parties ensure the freedom of movement of humanitarian relief personnel essential to the exercise of their functions. This movement can be restricted only temporarily for reasons of imperative military necessity.



  1. Are internet and phone shutdowns in conflict areas lawful?

14. 紛争地域でのインターネット・電話の遮断は合法?

Shutting down the internet during an armed conflict, including mobile data, which is regularly used for both civilian and military purposes, would need to take into account the basic principles of the laws of war, including of necessity and proportionality. The principle of necessity permits measures that accomplish a legitimate military objective that are not otherwise prohibited by international humanitarian law. Shutting down the internet may serve a legitimate military purpose, such as denying belligerent forces a means of communicating with one another and carrying out attacks. However, the principle of proportionality prohibits actions in which the expected civilian harm is excessive in relation to the anticipated military advantage.


Internet and phone shutdowns can cause considerable harm to the civilian population, including leading to possible injury and death by preventing civilians from communicating with each other about safety considerations, access to medical facilities, and sources of food and shelter. They also hinder the work of journalists and human rights monitors who can provide information on the situation on the ground, including the reporting of possible laws-of-war violations. Importantly, the restrictions hamper the ability of humanitarian agencies to assess and provide assistance to populations at risk. The lack of information regarding the conditions and circumstances facing the affected population may also increase the likelihood of injury and death.


A complete shutdown of internet and phone communications to large areas would cause various degrees of harm to the population affected. This could amount to a form of collective punishment by imposing penalties on people without a clear lawful basis.


Similarly, under international human rights law, governments have an obligation to ensure that internet-based restrictions are provided by law and are a necessary and proportionate response to a specific security concern. General shutdowns violate multiple rights, including the rights to freedom of expression and information, and hinder others, including the right to free assembly. In their 2015 Joint Declaration on Freedom of Expression and Responses to Conflict Situations, United Nations experts and rapporteurs declared that, even in times of conflict, “using communications ‘kill switches’ (i.e. shutting down entire parts of communications systems) can never be justified under human rights law.”



  1. How must persons in custody be treated under international law?

15.  抑留されている者は国際法の下でどの様に取り扱われなければならないのか?

Common Article 3 to the four Geneva Conventions of 1949, applicable during non-international armed conflicts, requires that all persons in custody, including captured combatants and civilians, be protected against “violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture” and “outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment.” No sentences may be handed down except by a “regularly constituted court” meeting international fair trial standards.


The ban against torture and other ill-treatment is one of the most fundamental prohibitions in international human rights law. No exceptional circumstances can justify torture. Sudan is a party to key international treaties that ban torture under all circumstances, even during recognized states of emergency, and require investigation and prosecution of those responsible for torture.


All persons deprived of their liberty must be provided with adequate food, water, clothing, shelter, and medical attention. Women detained must be held in quarters separate from those of men. Children deprived of their liberty, unless with their families, must have quarters separate from adults.


Under fundamental human rights law that applies even during a publicly declared emergency, detainees are entitled to judicial review of the legality of their detention, and to all the rights to a fair trial, including that only a court of law can try and convict them for a criminal offense. Secret or unacknowledged detention is prohibited at all times.



  1. Are radio and television stations prohibited targets?

16.  ラジオ局やテレビ局は攻撃から特別に保護されるのか?

Attacks on broadcast facilities used for military communications are legitimate targets under the laws of war. Civilian television and radio stations are legitimate targets only if they meet the criteria for a legitimate military objective; that is, if they are used in a way that makes an “effective contribution to military action” and their destruction in the circumstances ruling at the time offers “a definite military advantage.”


Specifically, Sudan government broadcast facilities could become military targets if, for example, they are used to send military orders or otherwise concretely used to advance Sudanese military operations. However, civilian broadcasting facilities are not rendered legitimate military targets simply because they broadcast pro-government propaganda. It is unlawful to attack facilities that solely shape public opinion – it does not directly contribute to military operations.


Should stations become legitimate military objectives because of their use to transmit military communications, the principle of proportionality in attack must still be respected. This means that attacking forces should always verify that the risks to the civilian population in undertaking any such attack do not outweigh the anticipated military benefit. They should take special precautions in relation to buildings located in urban areas, including giving advance warning of an attack whenever possible.



  1. Who can be held responsible for violations of international humanitarian law?

17.  国際人道法違反の責任を問われるのは誰か?

Serious violations of international humanitarian law that are committed with criminal intent – that is, deliberately or recklessly – are war crimes. War crimes, listed in the “grave breaches” provisions of the Geneva Conventions and as customary law in the International Criminal Court (ICC) statute and other sources, include a wide array of offenses, including deliberate, indiscriminate, and disproportionate attacks harming civilians, hostage taking, using human shields, and imposing collective punishments, among others. Individuals also may be held criminally liable for attempting to commit a war crime, as well as assisting in, facilitating, aiding, or abetting a war crime.


Responsibility also may fall on persons planning or instigating the commission of a war crime. Commanders and civilian leaders may be prosecuted for war crimes as a matter of command responsibility when they knew or should have known about the commission of war crimes and took insufficient measures to prevent them or punish those responsible.



  1. Can war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Sudan be tried before the International Criminal Court?

18. スーダンで行われた戦争犯罪や人道に対する犯罪を国際刑事裁判所で裁けるか?

The International Criminal Court (ICC) is a permanent international court with a mandate to investigate, charge, and try persons suspected of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide committed after July 1, 2002.


However, it can only exercise jurisdiction over these crimes if:


The crimes occurred in the territory of a state that is a party to the ICC treaty;


The person accused of the crimes is a citizen of a state that is a party to the ICC treaty;


A state that is not a party to the ICC treaty accepts the court’s authority for the crimes in question by submitting a formal declaration to the court; or


The United Nations Security Council refers the situation to the ICC prosecutor.


The ICC opened an investigation into crimes committed in Darfur in 2005, after the UN Security Council referred the situation to the ICC under Resolution 1593. Five Sudanese individuals face ICC charges for war crimes, crimes against humanity, or genocide in Darfur, including former president Omar al-Bashir. Three of these individuals, including al-Bashir, have been in Sudanese government custody since around the time of al-Bashir’s ouster in 2019. One of the five, a Janjaweed militia leader, Ali Kosheib, or Kushayb, is currently on trial at the ICC, charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity.


ICC judges have previously held that the extent to which an existing mandate applies to crimes committed as part of particular incidents or hostilities depends on whether they are “sufficiently linked to the situation of crisis which was ongoing at the time of the referral.” Many of the same individuals involved earlier in Darfur are now taking part in the current hostilities, and some of the fighting is unfolding in the Darfur region. Notably, domestic authorities retain primary responsibility for ensuring that grave crimes in violation of international law are investigated and appropriately prosecuted.



  1. Can judicial authorities in other countries investigate and prosecute international crimes committed in Sudan?

19.  スーダンで起きた国際犯罪を他国の司法当局が捜査し起訴することは可能か?

Certain categories of grave crimes in violation of international law, such as war crimes and torture, are subject to “universal jurisdiction,” which refers to the ability of the domestic judicial system of a state to investigate and prosecute certain crimes, even if they were not committed on its territory, by one of its nationals, or against one of its nationals. Certain treaties, such as the Geneva Conventions and the Convention against Torture, obligate states to extradite or prosecute suspected offenders who are within that state’s territory or otherwise under its jurisdiction. Under customary international law, it is also generally agreed that states are allowed to try those responsible for other crimes, such as genocide or crimes against humanity, wherever these crimes took place.

戦争犯罪や拷問など、国際法に違反する一部の重大犯罪は、「普遍的管轄権」の適用対象となる。普遍的管轄権とは、特定の犯罪がある国の領域で、若しくはある国の国民によって、若しくはその国民に対して行われなかったとしても、その犯罪の捜査と起訴をその国の国内司法制度の能力に付託出来ることを意味する。1949 年ジュネーブ諸条約や拷問等禁止条約など特定の条約は、自国の領域内または管轄権下にある犯罪容疑者の身柄引き渡し、若しくは起訴を、国家に義務付けている。また、慣習国際法のもとで国家が、ジェノサイドや人道に対する犯罪のような他の犯罪の責任者を、それらの犯罪がどこで発生しようとも、裁判にかけるのを許されることは、一般的に合意されている。

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