
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ ブルンジ:政敵逮捕が人権を脅かしている



 (Bujumbura, November 5, 2008) – The detention of political activist Alexis Sinduhije and 36 others by Burundian police on November 3, 2008, highlights the growing obstacles to the free exercise of civil and political rights in Burundi, Human Rights Watch said today. Sinduhije, well-known as a former radio journalist, has been trying since February to form an opposition political party, the Movement for Security and Democracy (MSD).


The detentions follow extensive harassment of leaders of several parties opposed to the dominant National Council for the Defense of Democracy-Forces for the Defense of the Democracy (CNDD-FDD).  
“It looks like the ruling party is calling in the power of the state to silence the voices of dissent,” said Alison Des Forges, senior Africa advisor at Human Rights Watch.  
 数十名のカラシニコフ突撃銃で武装した警官がMSDの本部に11月3日正午直後に踏み込んだ。この事は警察が非合法の会議が開催されているという情報を入手していたことを指し示している。警察の突入が合法的であったと言い張る所以となっている捜査令状は2時間後に発行され、認可証ナンバーはなく、しかも他の建物(シンデュイジェの自宅)を捜査する場所として記載してあった。シンデュイジェに対する容疑は “国家安全保障への脅威”となっていた。警官は幾つかの文書を捜査し押収し、中には “破壊的な物証”があったと述べている。政治活動家、受付、その後釈放されたが運転手など、建物にいた全ての人が逮捕された。
Dozens of police armed with Kalashnikovs entered the MSD headquarters shortly after noon on November 3, indicating they had information that an illegal meeting was being held. A search warrant that they contended legitimized their entry was delivered two hours later, carried no docket number, and listed another premises – Sinduhije’s residence – as the place to be searched. It gave the charge against Sinduhije as “threatening state security.” Police officers searched and confiscated several documents, one of which they said contained “subversive material.” They proceeded to arrest everyone on the premises, including political activists, a receptionist, and a driver who was later released.  
When a Human Rights Watch researcher present at the time of the search and arrests questioned police officers about irregularities, they responded that they were only “executing orders” given by Regional Police Commissioner David Nikiza, who had delivered the search warrant.  
Asked to comment on the irregularities, the police spokesman, Pierre Chanel Ntarabaganyi, responded that the party itself was illegal and that therefore the search and subsequent detentions were justified.  
Interior Minister Venant Kamana has refused to register MSD as a political party, claiming that a party cannot include “security” among its goals because security is the exclusive province of the state.  
11月3日に逮捕され、 シンデュイジェと他の者は幾つかの町の刑務所に今尚拘留されているが、11月4日の夕方現在、シンデュイジェらに対する正式な起訴容疑は提出されていない。警察はシンデュイジェを押収した文書にあるピーター・ンクランジザ大統領の開発計画を批判している声明について弁護士同席で尋問した。そのような声明が“大統領侮辱”罪になる可能性を指摘し、又シンデュイジェに若者から政党メンバーにリクルートする活動について尋問した。青年党員の中には10年間に及んだ内戦期間中敵対する軍の戦士だった者がいたのである。

Taken into custody on November 3, Sinduhije and the others were still being held at several city jails as of the evening of November 4, without any charges having been formally entered against them. Police officers interrogated Sinduhije, in the presence of his lawyer, about statements in the confiscated documents criticizing President Peter Nkurunziza’s development policies. They suggested such statements might lead to a charge of “insulting the President.” They also interrogated him about efforts to recruit party members among young people, some of them former combatants in rival forces during 10 years of civil war.  
Two other MSD members were arrested last week in Cankuzo province, one for allegedly distributing party cards, the other for having such a card in his possession.  
Ntarabaganyi, the police spokesman, told a Human Rights Watch researcher that Sinduhije and the others had been arrested for holding an unauthorized meeting. A ministerial ordinance issued in early October 2008 requires political parties to obtain official authorization for meetings rather than simply informing officials of their intent to meet, as had previously been the case. Burundian law does not require groups other than political parties to obtain authorization for meetings.  
Other parties have also faced harassment. Since late September 2008, police have arrested at least 25 members of UPD-Zigamibanga, a party opposed to the CNDD-FDD. Most were arrested in Ngozi province on charges of participating in an unauthorized meeting and released after paying a fine, but two others were detained in Kayanza province on charges of insulting President Peter Nkurunziza after they criticized his education policy during a private conversation.  
Most local authorities on the provincial and communal levels are CNDD-FDD members. Even before the new ordinance on meetings was issued, some of them used their authority or that of the police to hinder political meetings or to shut down press conferences by opposition parties including the Democratic Front in Burundi (Frodebu), the Democratic Alliance for Renewal (ADR), and the CNDD (a party different from CNDD-FDD).  
Burundi has ratified the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as well as the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights. Both of these treaties require Burundi to protect fully the rights to freedom from arbitrary detention and to freedom of association. To avoid arbitrary detention, persons detained on suspicion of having committed a criminal offense must be informed of the charge against them as quickly as possible, allowed access to a lawyer and to visitors, and be brought speedily before a judicial authority with power to order their release.  
  “警察を反対唱える者を制限するために、又は平和的な政治活動を妨害するために利用するのは、ブルンジ国民の権利を侵害し、法の支配を弱体化させる。”と、デ・フォルジェは述べた。 “当局は恣意的に逮捕したシンデュイジェ他の者を速やかに釈放し、ブルンジ国民が市民的及び政治的権利を十分に行使することを認めるべきである。”
“Using the police to limit dissent and to discourage peaceful political activity violates the rights of Burundians and weakens the rule of law,” said Des Forges. “Officials should promptly release Sinduhije and others arbitrarily detained and permit Burundians the full exercise of their civil and political rights.”  

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