
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ スーダン:人権擁護活動家を逮捕




(New York, November 26, 2008) - Sudanese authorities have arrested and detained three human rights defenders in Khartoum, two of whom remain in detention, Human Rights Watch said today. On November 24, 2008, Sudanese authorities in Khartoum summoned the three men to the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) offices, where they were detained and questioned about their human rights activities. アミル・サリマンは同日に釈放された。アブデルモネイム・アルジャクは翌日早朝に釈放されたが、11月26日に再逮捕された。オスマン・ヒュメイダは英国人で現在も拘留中である。治安当局は逮捕した者の誰をも何の犯罪容疑でも起訴していない。3名はただ人権擁護活動に関して尋問されているだけである。

One, Amir Suliman, was released the same day. Abdelmoneim Aljak was released early the following morning but re-arrested on November 26, and Osman Hummaida, who is British, also remains in custody. The security service has not charged any of the men with any crime. They were questioned only regarding their human rights activities. “スーダン政府は、批判に対して寛容性を殆ど持ち合わせていないのは衆知の事実である。”と、ジョージェット・ギャグノン、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ、アフリカ局長は述べた。“正義を支持する者を沈黙させ、スーダン国内の人権状況についての情報を抑圧しようとする、広くパターン化した試みの一部分である。”

"The Sudanese government is well-known for having little tolerance for criticism," said Georgette Gagnon, Africa director at Human Rights Watch. "This is part of a wider pattern of trying to silence those who support justice and to suppress information about the human rights situation in Sudan." 昨年、スーダン政府は、人権蹂躙、ダルフール情勢、国際的な法の正義などについて意見を述べる者への弾圧を強めていた。5月10日、反乱軍・正義と平等運動(JEM)による首都への攻撃後、そして7月14日、国際刑事裁判所(ICC)検察官によるスーダン大統領オマル・アル・バシルに対しての戦争犯罪、人道に反する罪、虐殺の容疑での逮捕状請求が公表されて以来、イヤガラセは、かなり強まっていた。ダルフール情勢や5月10日の事件についての記事を発表しようとするジャーナリスト、それらの課題に関して活動しているスーダンNGOのスタッフは召喚され、当局について批判的であると見なされた記事は全て自己検閲を余儀なくされた。

Over the last year, the Sudanese government has increasingly targeted those who have spoken out about human rights abuses, the situation in Darfur, or international justice. This harassment intensified considerably following the May 10 attack by the rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) on the capital and the announcement by the prosecutor for the International Criminal Court on July 14 requesting an arrest warrant for President Omar al-Bashir for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. Journalists trying to publish articles about the situation in Darfur or the May 10 events and staff members of national NGOs working on these issues have been summoned and forced to censor any articles regarded as critical of the authorities. 


Hummaida and Aljak work as consultants to civil society and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). Suliman is chairperson of the Khartoum Centre for Human Rights and Environmental Development (KCHRED). The three were summoned by the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) political section in Khartoum North at around noon on November 24. A colleague was allowed to bring medicine for Hummaida later that afternoon. 


Suliman was released at 8 p.m. and summoned again and detained briefly the following evening. Aljak was released the following day without charge, but was summoned again on November 26 and remains in the security service's custody. Hummaida is still being held without charge and has not been allowed to speak to his lawyer.  


Sudanese authorities have not said on what basis the three were summoned or detained, but they are active in the Sudanese human rights movement and have participated in awareness-raising campaigns on justice and accountability, as well as highlighting the ongoing human rights situation in Sudan. 

3名は、市民運動団体や政党などを取り扱う、NIS S政治問題セクションに召喚された。3名はともに、人権擁護活動を行なっていたために、以前何度か拘留されている。

The three men were summoned by the political affairs section of NISS, which deals with civil society organizations and political parties. All three have previously been detained on several occasions because of their human rights activities.


"As well as being concerned for Osman Hummaida and Abdelmoneim Aljak's well-being, we fear that these arrests of human rights activists will not be the last," said Gagnon.

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