
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ チュニジア:抗議運動参加者への襲撃を止めよ



(Tunis) - Fresh police violence against protesters in Tunis underscores the need for Tunisia's transitional government to break with the brutally repressive ways of the past, Human Rights Watch said today. On January 29, 2011, Human Rights Watch observed uniformed agents beating a young man with their hands and clubs in the back of a police wagon on the main avenue of the capital. Later on January 29, police assaulted a French photographer and smashed his camera as he filmed them clubbing and kicking another youth.


The new interior minister, Farhat Rajhi, should issue clear orders to all police forces to respect freedom of assembly and to use force only when strictly necessary, Human Rights Watch said. The authorities should immediately investigate and prosecute officers who use unlawful force against protesters.

新しい内務大臣・ファルハト・バジヒ(Farhat Rajhi)は全ての警察官に、集会の自由を尊重し厳密な必要条件を満たす場合にのみ武力を行使するよう明確な命令を出すべきである、とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは述べた。当局は、抗議運動参加者に不当は暴力行為を働いた警察官を、直ちに捜査・訴追しなければならない。

"Tunisians, elated by their new freedom to speak and demonstrate, are also witnessing street scenes - and televised images - of police beating protesters," said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East and North Africa director at Human Rights Watch. "The government should make clear that officers who violently abuse people will be punished."


The police have administered numerous beatings to demonstrators in Tunis in recent days, according to Tunisian human rights lawyers and activists, including Mokhtar Trifi, president of the Tunisian League for Human Rights. Much of the police violence in Tunis is related to a week-long sit-in in the large square in front of "the Casbah," the seat of the national government, by protesters demanding the ouster of all ministers who served under deposed President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali. Police actions to control and then, on January 28, to evict the protesters led to skirmishes involving rock-throwing by demonstrators and the use of teargas by police, both at Casbah Square and in the heart of the city.

チュニジアン・リーグ・フォー・ヒューマン・ライツ(Tunisian League for Human Rights)代表のモクフタール・トリフィ(Mokhtar Trifi)を含む多数のチュニジア人人権派弁護士や活動家によると、警察はここ数日チュニス市内で、デモ参加者に対し多数の暴行行為を働いたようだ。チュニス市内での警察暴力の多くは、中央政府所在地である“カスバ”の前にある大きな広場で、退陣させられたズィン・エル-アビディン・ベン・アリ(Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali)大統領に仕えていた全閣僚の追放を要求して、1週間続いた座り込みに関係している。抗議運動参加者を規制し、その後、1月28日には抗議運動参加者を退去させようとした警察の行動は、デモ参加者の投石と警察の催涙弾発射などの小競り合いをもたらした。

"This brutality heightens tensions and shows that the police continue to act as if they are above the law, despite Ben Ali's departure," Whitson said.


On January 29 at 5 p.m., two Human Rights Watch researchers on the Avenue Habib Bourguiba in downtown Tunis observed several uniformed police agents inside a police wagon beating a youth with their hands and clubs.

1月29日午後5時、チュニス市内繁華街のハビブ・ブールギーバ街(Avenue Habib Bourguiba)の路上にいたヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ調査員2名は、数名の制服警官が警察車両内で手と警棒を使い1人の若者に暴行を加えているのをつぶさに観察している。

A uniformed policeman standing near the vehicle, when asked what was happening, explained that the youth had been "cursing at the police." Then he drew closer and said, pointing to his wrist, "You give them this much freedom" - then he pointed to the top of his arm - "and they want this much!"


The door to the police wagon opened after a few minutes and the young man emerged, crying and with a bloody nose, and then fled.


One hour later, French freelance photographer Michel Monteaux filmed uniformed police catching a youth and beating and kicking him while he lay on his back, on the avenue's pedestrian esplanade. As Monteaux later told Human Rights Watch, when the police saw him taking pictures, they ran over and clubbed his legs while they grabbed his camera and then smashed it. Monteaux, who was on assignment for the French weekly magazine La Vie, retrieved the memory card with the photos he had just taken, including the one shown here.

その1時間後、フリーランスのフランス人写真家ミシェル・モントゥ(Michel Monteaux)は、警察が同じ街路の歩道上で若者を捕まえ、仰向けに倒れている彼に殴る蹴るの暴行を加えているのを、撮影した。その後モントゥがヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチに話してくれたところによると、警察はモントゥが写真を撮っているのに気付いと駆け寄り、棍棒で脛を殴ると同時にモントゥのカメラを奪って叩き壊した、のだそうである。フランスの週刊誌ラ・ヴィー(La Vie)の取材だったモントゥは、この記事で紹介している写真を含む、撮影したばかり写真が入っているメモリーカードを回収している。

In both incidents, the police assaulted a victim who was not physically resisting - the first was surrounded by policemen inside their van; the second was lying on his back. They released both men after beating them, showing that their goal was not to arrest but to administer summary punishment.


Under international law, law enforcement agents should only use force to the extent required for the performance of their duty - the norm stated in article 3 of the Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials (adopted by General Assembly resolution 34/169 of 17 December 1979).

国際法の下では、法執行官は職務遂行に必要とされる範囲内でのみ武力を行使しなければならない-この規範は法執行官行動準則(綱領)(Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials)第3条に明記されている(1979年12月17日国連総会決議34/169で採択)。

Tunisia's penal code provides in article 101 a five-year prison term for any public agent who, while on duty, "uses or causes to be used, without legitimate purpose, violence against persons." Article 101bis imposes a term of eight years in prison for acts that rise to the level of torture. Thus, Tunisia's judiciary is empowered to investigate such assaults and bring charges when warranted.

チュニジアの刑法は第101条で、いかなる公務員もその職務中に、“正当な理由なく人々に対して暴力を行使若しくは暴力行使を引き起こした” 場合には懲役5年の刑に処すと規定している。第101条の2は、その行為が拷問にあたるレベルだった場合には懲役8年と定めている。従ってチュニジアの司法制度は、今回のような襲撃を捜査し正当な場合訴追する権限を与えられている。

For most of Ben Ali's presidency, the police had little incentive to master legitimate means of controlling large demonstrations because authorities allowed almost none to get off the ground. Police simply shut down virtually any outdoor gathering called in favor of social or political demands. It was only after street merchant Mohamed Bouazizi immolated himself as a protest on December 17 that Tunisians massively poured into the streets in defiance of the effective ban on public protests.

ベン・アリが大統領職に就いていた殆どの期間において、当局は「デモがスタートする」などと言うことを許したためしがなかったので、警察は大規模なデモを規制する合法的な手法を習得する気など持ったことがなかった。警察は、社会的或いは政治的な要求を支持して呼び掛けられた野外での集会は如何なるものであっても、事実上潰すだけである。事実上大衆による抗議運動が禁止されているのを無視して、膨大な数のチュニジア国民が街頭に出て行ったのは、露天商のモハメド・ブアジジ(Mohamed Bouazizi)が12月17日に抗議の焼身自殺を行った直後のことだった。

As those protests intensified and spread, police fired on protesters with live ammunition, killing scores, as described in a report published January 29 by Human Rights Watch.


On January 14, the day Ben Ali fled the country, French photographer Lucas Mebrouk Dolega was fatally struck by a teargas canister in the eye, reportedly fired by a police agent standing 20 meters away, when he was covering protests on the same avenue. Dolega was on assignment for the European Press Photo Agency (EPA).

ベン・アリがチュニジアから逃亡した1月14日、フランス人写真家メブロー・ドレガ(Mebrouk Dolega)は、同じ街路で行われている抗議運動を取材中に、20m離れた所に立っていた警察要員が発射したと伝えられている催涙弾の直撃を目に受け死亡した。ドレガはEPA通信(EPA)の取材で居合わせたのだ。

Since Ben Ali's ouster on January 14, cities across the country have been the scenes of almost-daily public gatherings, as diverse groups pour into the streets to demonstrate for various causes, including both for and against the transitional government, for women's equality, for the right of women to wear Islamic clothing, for the release of political prisoners, and for the prosecution of the police agents who shot and killed protesters.


Some of the gatherings have been unruly. Participants in the sit-in at the Casbah Square have frequently surged through the main downtown arteries, sometimes hurling stones at police.


The police have not to Human Rights Watch's knowledge injured or killed a single protester with live ammunition since Ben Ali's departure. However, accounts of their beating demonstrators are mounting daily and are discrediting the transitional government's efforts to convince Tunisians that it has broken with the repressive ways of the past.


"The fatal shooting of demonstrators by Ben Ali's police was a key factor in the successful revolt against him," said Whitson. "The scale of the brutality is now obviously lower, but the credibility of the transitional government remains at stake."


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