
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ バーレイン:権利擁護者への容疑を取り下げよ



(ニューヨーク、2009年3月11日)-バーレイン当局は前バーレイン人権センター代表アブドゥル・ハディ・アル-カーワジャ(Abdul Hadi al-Khawaja)への容疑を速やかに取り下げ、渡航禁止措置を解除するべきである、と本日ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは述べた。カーワジャは2009年1月7日に行なった演説の後、政府への“憎悪を煽り、侮辱した”容疑で、最大10年の懲役刑に処される危機に直面している。

(New York, March 11, 2009) - Bahraini officials should promptly drop the charges against the former president of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights, Abdul Hadi al-Khawaja, and lift a travel ban against him, Human Rights Watch said today. Khawaja faces up to 10 years in prison on charges of "instigating hatred and disrespect" of the government following a speech he made on January 7, 2009.

演説でアル-カーワジャは政府を“公共の土地を略奪し、人々を虐げ、反対する者に用兵を使う” “弾圧政権”と呼び、“平和的な手段と自己犠牲を行なう覚悟で”“ギャング共の支配を排除しよう”と呼びかけた。バーレインの検察官の彼に対する起訴容疑は、“武力又は他の非合法な手段による、政治制度の転覆又は変革を、形式はどうであれ働きかけ煽った”、刑法第160条違反他である。第160条違反への有罪判決は最大10年の懲役刑を科す。

In his speech, al-Khawaja referred to the government as an "oppressive regime" that had "plundered public lands, degraded the people, and used mercenaries against them," and called for "removal of the ruling gang" by "peaceful means and the readiness to sacrifice oneself." Bahrain's public prosecutor charged him with, among other things, violating Article 160 of the Penal Code for "promoting or encouraging in any way the overthrow or change of the political system by force or any other illegitimate method." Conviction under Article 160 carries a prison sentence of up to 10 years.


"Speaking out harshly against a country's rulers should not be a crime," said Joe Stork, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. "A government that claims to be promoting democracy and human rights, as Bahrain does, shouldn't be putting people in jail for what they say and write."


The first session of al-Khawaja's trial, on February 8, was adjourned until March 11. The day after the first hearing, al-Khawaja was preparing to board a flight to join a human rights delegation in Iraq when he was informed that a travel ban has been issued against him until further notice.

アル-カーワジャの発言は、シーア派宗教的祝日であるアシュラ(Ashura)におけるモスクでの演説で飛び出した。アブドゥラズィズ・ビン・ムバラク・アル・カリファ(Abdulaziz Bin Mubarak Al Khalifa)、外務省調整及び進捗管理担当次官補佐は、ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチに“アル-カーワジャ氏は、政府を暴力的に転覆する可能性に、宗教的若しくは宗派的な正当性を付与するため、[アシュラという]機会を利用しようとした。”と、述べた。次官補佐はアル-カーワジャの演説を、“意図的に扇動的な言葉使い”したものであると評していた。

Al-Khawaja's remarks came in a speech at a mosque during the Shia religious holiday of Ashura. Abdulaziz Bin Mubarak Al Khalifa, assistant undersecretary for coordination and follow-up at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told Human Rights Watch that "Mr. al-Khawaja sought to use the occasion [of Ashura] to give religious or sectarian legitimacy to the potentially violent overthrow of the government." He described al-Khawaja's speech as "deliberately inflammatory language."

バーレイン憲法は表現の自由に対する権利を保護しているにも拘らず、アル-カーワジャへの起訴は、国内での議論を明らかに抑圧しようとして取られている数多くの行動の一つである。独立系新聞アル-ワクト(Al Waqt)の記者、ラミース・ダイフは(Lamees Dhaif)、2月24日から29日までの連載記事に関連し、刑法及び報道法容疑で最大3年の懲役刑に処せられる危険に迫られている。当該連載記事は、家族法におけるバーレイン裁判制度の欠陥を、明らかにするため事例研究を使い、又、バーレインで大いに必要とされている、家族法導入を支持しない裁判官を批判していた。

The prosecution of al-Khawaja is one of a number of actions apparently being taken to stifle discussion in Bahrain, although the country's constitution protects the right of free expression. Lamees Dhaif, a journalist for the independent Al Waqt newspaper, faces up to three years of imprisonment on Penal Code and Press Code charges related to a series of articles she wrote from February 24 to 29. The series used case studies to demonstrate the Bahraini court system's failures in family law and criticized the judiciary for not supporting passage of a much-needed family law in Bahrain.

もう一人の記者、アル-ワサト(Al-Wasat)紙のマルヤム・アル-シェローキ(Maryam al-Sherooqi)は、2008年8月27日掲載の、市民サービス局で差別的な雇用が行われている書いたコラムが“同局を侮辱し名誉を傷つけた” という容疑で起訴された。彼女の裁判の第一回公判は3月3日だった。同裁判は4月8日に再開する予定だ。

Another journalist, Maryam al-Sherooqi of Al-Wasat, has been charged with "insulting and degrading the Civil Service Bureau" for a column she wrote on August 27, 2008, that described discriminatory hiring practices at the bureau. The first session of her trial was held on March 3 and the trial will resume on April 8.

バーレイン人権センター代表のナビール・ラジャブ(Nabeel Rajab)によれば、情報省によるインターネット上の選別ろ過も、人権団体や政治活動家のウェブサイトへのアクセス妨害などが行われるなど、増強しているそうである。

According to Nabeel Rajab, president of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights, internet filtering by the Ministry of Information has also been on the rise, including blocked access to websites of human rights groups and political activists.


Article 23 of Bahrain's Constitution states that, "Freedom of opinion and scientific research is secured, everyone has the right to express his opinion verbally, in writing or otherwise, in accordance with the terms and conditions prescribed by the law." 


Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), to which Bahrain acceded in 2006, states that, "everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression," and that, "this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice."


Bahrain has previously prosecuted activists for making political statements under other elements of its Penal Code. In 2007, two activists who distributed leaflets calling for a boycott of elections faced charges in a criminal court for disseminating materials that could "harm the public interest." The two were sentenced on those charges, but subsequently released. 


"The Bahraini government portrays itself as upholding free expression and association, but is increasingly doing the opposite," Stork said.


Human Rights Watch has previously documented threats against human rights activists in Bahrain.

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