
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ スーダン:ダルフールの町が破壊された (前半)



  • Rapid Support Forces and allied Arab militias summarily executed at least 28 ethnic Massalit and killed and injured dozens of civilians on May 28, 2023, in Sudan’s West Darfur state.
  • 緊急支援部隊及びそれと同盟するアラブ族民兵組織がスーダン西ダルフール州で2023年5月28日に、マサリット族少なくとも28人を即決処刑し、民間人数十人を殺傷した。
  • The mass killings of civilians and the total destruction of the town of Misterei demonstrates the need for a stronger international response to the widening conflict.
  • 民間人の集団虐殺とミステレイ町の完全破壊は拡大する紛争へのより強力な国際的対応の必要性を強調している   
  • Sudan’s warring parties should stop attacking civilians and allow safe aid access. The Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) should investigate these attacks as part of its Darfur investigation.
  • スーダンの戦争当事勢力は民間人への攻撃を止めると共に援助機関の安全な立入を認めるべきだ。国際刑事裁判所(ICC)検察局はダルフール捜査の一環として、それらの攻撃を捜査しなければならない。

(Nairobi July 11, 2023) – Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and allied Arab militias summarily executed at least 28 ethnic Massalit and killed and injured dozens of civilians on May 28, 2023, in Sudan’s West Darfur state, Human Rights Watch said today. Many of these abuses committed in the context of the armed conflict in Sudan amount to war crimes.

(ナイロビ、2023年7月11日) 緊急支援部隊(以下RSF)及びそれと同盟するアラブ族民兵組織がスーダン西ダルフール州で2023年5月28日に、マサリット族少なくとも28人を即決処刑し、民間人数十人を殺傷した、と本日ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ(以下HRW)は述べた。 スーダンにおける武力紛争下で行われた、それら人権侵害の多くは戦争犯罪に該当する。  

Several thousand fighters of the RSF, the independent military force that has been in armed conflict with the Sudan military since April 15, and Arab militias attacked the town of Misterei, home to tens of thousands of mainly ethnic Massalit residents. The assailants killed men in their homes, on the streets, or in hiding, and fired on fleeing residents, killing, and injuring women and injuring children. These forces then pillaged and burned most of the town, forcing thousands of residents to flee across the border to Chad.


“Since the conflict in Sudan broke out in April, some of the worst atrocities have been in West Darfur,” said Jean-Baptiste Gallopin, senior crisis and conflict researcher at Human Rights Watch. “The mass killings of civilians and total destruction of the town of Misterei demonstrates the need for a stronger international response to the widening conflict.”


Sudan’s warring parties should stop attacking civilians and allow safe aid access. The Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) should investigate these attacks as part of its Darfur investigation.


During a research trip in June, Human Rights Watch interviewed 29 survivors of the Misterei attack who had fled into neighboring Chad. An analysis of satellite imagery and fire detection data shows that six other towns and villages besides Misterei in West Darfur, including Molle, Murnei, and Gokor, were also burned down. Names of people interviewed are withheld for fear of reprisals.


Human Rights Watch also interviewed 37 refugees from other parts of West Darfur, including El Geneina and the villages of Tendelti, Adikong, and Molle, who described similar abuses. Widespread and apparently deliberate fire damage was visible in El Geneina, primarily affecting places where thousands of people displaced during previous attacks were living. Human Rights Watch shared its preliminary findings with an advisor to the commander of the Rapid Support Forces, asking questions regarding RSF deployments and steps taken to hold perpetrators to account, but had received no response at time of writing. 


West Darfur has been the epicenter of cycles of violence and displacement against non-Arab communities since 2019. In mid-April, as fighting raged elsewhere in Sudan, the Sudan Armed Forces and the local police force stationed in Misterei left the town. In mid-May, the RSF and Arab militias clashed with the town’s Massalit self-defense group.


On May 28, the RSF and Arab militias, many on motorcycles, horses, or pickup trucks, surrounded the town and clashed with the Massalit fighters. The assailants, armed with assault rifles, recoilless rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, and vehicle-mounted machine guns fired on town residents who tried to flee.


“The Rapid Support Forces and Arabs shot at us from behind,” said a 76-year-old man. “I saw three people running, being shot at, and fall to the ground near a grocery store.”


The attackers pursued people who sought safety in schools and the mosque. Many women and children, and some members of the self-defense group wounded earlier, fled to a school complex, on the northern edge of the town, where the assailants repeatedly entered classrooms looking for men and summarily executed those they found.


Two women who had sheltered in a school said that the attackers summarily executed three men and sprayed a classroom with bullets, severely injuring three women and two children. “They were asking about the youth … protecting the village,” one woman said. “Where are the men? Where are the boys? We want all of them! We want to kill them! Why didn’t you just flee and leave the country? Why are you still here? What are you waiting for?”


Throughout the day, the attackers looted residents’ property, stealing livestock, seeds, money, gold, mobile phones, and furniture.


After pillaging homes, the assailants set them ablaze. “The whole town was covered in smoke,” said a 35-year-old nurse. Satellite imagery analysis confirmed the near total burning of the town, particularly the residential areas.


The attacking forces withdrew that evening and residents began the search for survivors and bodies on the streets and inside houses and schools. The remains of at least 59 people were buried in mass graves. Local officials said 97 people were later confirmed to have been killed, including self-defense force members. Human Rights Watch recorded the killing of at least 40 civilians, including a woman, and injuries to 14 civilians, including 5 women and 4 children.


Since the outbreak of the conflict in April, over 300,000 people have been displaced within West Darfur alone, according to the United Nations, and about 217,000 have fled to Chad. About 98 percent of those registered arriving in Chad have come from the Massalit community. About 17,000 refugees from Misterei remain in Gongour, Chad, near the border. The humanitarian response in Chad remains significantly underfunded.


Relief operations largely stopped in late April in West Darfur following attacks on humanitarian aid and property, as well as widespread insecurity in the region. An aid worker said that Darfur has been “largely cut off from new assistance.”


The UN Security Council should call for immediate safe and unhindered humanitarian access throughout Darfur. Security Council member countries, other governments, the European Union, and the African Union (AU) should urgently adopt and enforce targeted sanctions against those responsible for serious abuses regardless of their position or rank.


The Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC should investigate the attack on Misterei and other villages and towns in West Darfur as part of its Darfur investigation. The Prosecutor should highlight investigation plans during his scheduled briefing to the Security Council on July 13.


“The accounts of those who survived recent attacks in West Darfur echo the horror, devastation, and despair of Darfur 20 years ago,” said Jean-Baptiste Gallopin. “The ICC Prosecutor should investigate these heinous abuses, while Sudan’s international and regional partners should sanction RSF and Arab militia leaders responsible for these attacks.” 」、と「西ダルフールで最近起きた攻撃の生存者による説明は、20年前にダルフールで起きた、恐怖・破壊・絶望をそのまま繰り返しています。ICC検察官は、そのような許し難い人権侵害を捜査するべきですし、その一方でスーダンの国際的そして地域的なパートナーは、それらの攻撃に責任を負うRSFとアラブ族民兵組織の指導者に、制裁を科さなければなりません。」、と前出のジャン・バティスト・ガロパン上級調査員は指摘した。

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