回胴式遊技機技術研究 J-Slot Amusement Specification


We remote control the slot machine with Raspberry Pi + WEB camera

2022-09-12 14:28:58 | 日記

① Connect the web camera to the Raspberry Pi and enable the camera and Wi-Fi connection.
② Set GPIO2, GPIO3, GPIO4, GPIO5, and GPIO6 among the GPIOs equipped on the Raspberry Pi to output, and connect the GND of the Raspberry Pi and the GND of the slot machine to make the GND common.

③ Install the WEB camera in a position where the whole slot machine can be seen
④Install WEB video streaming application (liblpeg9-dev) on Raspberry Pi
⑤ Launch the streaming app
⑥ Access the Raspberry Pi from a PC, smartphone, etc.
⑦ Access WebIOPi of Raspberry Pi
⑧Click GPIO Header on the main menu
GPIOP2, GPIO3, GPIO4, GPIO5, and GPIO6 are set to output in advance, so they are displayed as OUT.
Tap (click) GPIO2 to turn MAXBET ON
Tap (click) GPIO3 to start and spin the reels.
Tap (click) GPIO4, GPIO5, and GPIO6 to stop reel spinning.
In this way, the slot machine can be remotely operated from a PC, smartphone, etc. in the same WiFi environment.
Please inquire us without hesitation. We will inform you politely of all that we know.
TEL 090-3194-4902 

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