


2011-08-09 01:18:50 | 旅行
06:19 from Keitai Web
People are "strongly" so I think it right, what is often wrong.
06:20 from Keitai Web
Because I think it's right strongly predisposes to the shape of the ideal aspirations of his creations.
06:28 from Keitai Web
06:34 from Keitai Web
RT @rocksstar10: Life is like Twitter."Follow" your dreams, "block" all negative thoughts "share" some love & "Favorite" all the best me ...
07:03 from Keitai Web
RT @red2red2red2: 天然のシマアジです。京都にはなかなか入荷しない天然物です。かなりレアな魚になったシマアジ…天然鯛より値段高い(笑) http://p.twipple.jp/Y423n http://p.twipple.jp/XFr5t
08:18 from Keitai Web
どうよ…本来の夏へ、しかしゲリラは雨も雪も危険性を伴う→自然界の移り変わりは激しく、また素晴らしい光景を現してくれる☆Good Job☆
19:44 from Keitai Web
A heart puts rock music in remembrance of Joe Yamanaka in the 70s and makes a session this evening
by superkoolman on Twitter