


2011-08-06 01:19:08 | 旅行
04:28 from Keitai Web
The only time that God has given equally. How do you make effective use of light
04:28 from Keitai Web
wit a person to personal use of the subconscious running 24 hours a day.
11:02 from Keitai Web
次に挽回しようという意気込みと努力が効果を現す迄には時間がかかる。多くの人はそれまでに飽き、迷い、挫折する☆Good Job
16:57 from Keitai Web
When you want to draw good human relations, your way of thinking, departure from way of words,
16:57 from Keitai Web
way of the action please be careful not to disagree with your desire.
by superkoolman on Twitter