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慶応大学・国語・小論文・論述力 22(さくら教育研究所)

2024-09-22 | 日記





The problem with majority voting is that it sometimes ignores minority opinions. In a majority vote, the majority opinion may prevail and the minority opinion may not be reflected. This leads to ignoring that minority opinions also have important value.

Also, in majority voting, the opinion supported by the majority is adopted, so the strong opinion of the minority may be adopted. This may violate minority rights. In addition, majority voting does not take into account differences in voters' backgrounds, experiences and knowledge, which can lead to inaccurate results.

For this reason, majority voting is considered a useful but imperfect democratic decision-making process.







Majority voting is commonly used as a method of decision making. In it, voters consider their own opinions and interests, and then vote for the candidates they support. As a result, the candidate with the most votes will be elected. However, there are some problems with majority voting.

First, majority decision-making has the disadvantage that minority opinions may be ignored. In other words, minority opinions may not be reflected, as the majority can get their point across. This may be inadequate from a diversity or inclusivity standpoint.

Also, majority decision-making can favor groups of power and influence. For example, if a political faction or interest group predominates among those who have the right to vote, the opinion of that group may prevail and the opinions of others may be ignored.

Furthermore, majority voting tends to oversimplify the problem. A majority vote may not be sufficient to discuss or consider complex issues or issues that involve many factors. Also, when there are only two options, one of the options may receive the majority of the votes, and the middle opinion or solution may not be adopted.

As mentioned above, there are problems with majority voting, such as not reflecting minority opinions, favoring groups with power and influence, and oversimplifying issues. Therefore, it is important to consider methods and techniques other than majority voting when making decisions. For example, there are more inclusive and diverse methods such as debate and consensus building.
