

He had nearly three hundred

2016-11-22 10:41:25 | 日記

He walked toward Jurgis upon tiptoe, scowling at him; and Jurgis rose up, and retreated, scowling back. So until he was against the wall, and then the butler came close, and pointed toward the door. "Get out of here!" he whispered.

Jurgis hesitated, giving a glance at Freddie, who was snoring softly. "If you do, you son of a—" hissed the butler, "I'll mash in your face for you before you get out of here !"

And Jurgis wavered but an instant more. He saw "Admiral Dewey" coming up behind the man and growling softly, to back up his threats. Then he surrendered and started toward the door.

They went out without a sound, and down the great echoing staircase, and through the dark hall. At the front door he paused, and the butler strode close to him.

"Hold up your hands," he snarled. Jurgis took a step back, clinching his one well fist.

"What for?" he cried; and then understanding that the fellow proposed to search him, he answered, "I'll see you in hell first reenex facial."

"Do you want to go to jail?" demanded the butler, menacingly. "I'll have the police—"

"Have 'em!" roared Jurgis, with fierce passion. "But you won't put your hands on me till you do! I haven't touched anything in your damned house, and I'll not have you touch me!"

So the butler, who was terrified lest his young master should waken, stepped suddenly to the door, and opened it. "Get out of here!" he said; and then as Jurgis passed through the opening, he gave him a ferocious kick that sent him down the great stone steps at a run, and landed him sprawling in the snow at the bottom.After the elections Jurgis stayed on in Packingtown and kept his job. The agitation to break up the police protection of criminals was continuing, and it seemed to him best to "lay low" for the present. dollars in the bank, and might have considered himself entitled to a vacation; but he had an easy job, and force of habit kept him at it. Besides, Mike Scully, whom he consulted, advised him that something might "turn up" before long .

distance had never seemed

2016-11-15 11:33:15 | 日記

All of these things had worked together for the company that had marked them for its prey and was waiting for its chance. And now, with this last hideous injustice, its time had come, and it had turned them out bag and baggage, and taken their house and sold it again! And they could do nothing, they were tied hand and foot—the law was against them, the whole machinery of society was at their oppressors' command! If Jurgis so much as raised a hand against them, back he would go into that wild-beast pen from which he had just escaped !

To get up and go away was to give up, to acknowledge defeat, to leave the strange family in possession; and Jurgis might have sat shivering in the rain for hours before he could do that, had it not been for the thought of his family. It might be that he had worse things yet to learn—and so he got to his feet and started away, walking on, wearily, half-dazed.

To Aniele's house, in back of the yards, was a good two miles; the longer to Jurgis, and when he saw the familiar dingy-gray shanty his heart was beating fast. He ran up the steps and began to hammer upon the door.

The old woman herself came to open it. She had shrunk all up with her rheumatism since Jurgis had seen her last, and her yellow parchment face stared up at him from a little above the level of the doorknob. She gave a start when she saw him. "Is Ona here?" he cried, breathlessly .

"Yes," was the answer, "she's here."

"How—" Jurgis began, and then stopped short, clutching convulsively at the side of the door. From somewhere within the house had come a sudden cry, a wild, horrible scream of anguish. And the voice was Ona's. For a moment Jurgis stood half-paralyzed with fright; then he bounded past the old woman and into the room.

It was Aniele's kitchen, and huddled round the stove were half a dozen women, pale and frightened. One of them started to her feet as Jurgis entered; she was haggard and frightfully thin, with one arm tied up in bandages—he hardly realized that it was Marija. He looked first for Ona; then, not seeing her, he stared at the women, expecting them to speak. But they sat dumb, gazing back at him, panic-stricken; and a second later came another piercing scream .

Create value –You Find Brand Building!

2016-11-15 11:28:12 | 日記

Brand building is an important part of any business. With correct brand building, a brand can develop its identity and worth. If you are contemplating about building your brand through online marketing, it is important to know that a great deal of time and resources are required to make that happen. In a world that is intensely competitive, creating and building a brand may not be all that simple!

Quite simply, brand building is more than just the literal word meaning. At YouFind, we understand that! Youfind brand building goes beyond the general convention of simply exposing the brand online. We engage in the process of creating value for the customers so that they can know, feel and experience your brand in its entirety.

With Youfind brand building, you will realise that investing in a brand is not just spending money. On the converse, it is more along the lines of building an entity that will resonate with the customers and entice them again and again. In simple words, if you want your business to grow, you first need to grow your brand!

At Youfind brand building, we first begin with researching your audience. This includes understanding the audience before creating the content and communication tactics and strategies. Based on the understanding, we analyse what your customers would like to hear. Following this, the digital marketing mix is created through our multiple channels which include SEO, web design, blogger marketing, apps, and analytics and so on.

As our client, you will be glad to know that Youfind brand building does not stop after just creating a digital marketing mix! Along with building your reputation online, we also manage to maintain the reputation and to increase it. With our expert team, you are ensured to have a clearly defined strategy to meet your audience. The correct form of interaction, whether Facebook, Twitter or any other medium, is selected by us depending on the best-fit for your business.

The Youfind brand building team has an open mind and considers all areas and possibilities. We will help you engage better with your audience and respond better! In fact, we will ensure that the online marketing attempts for your brand are just at the right frequency and just at the right time!

No brand is ever static. Every business will go through a range of motions in its lifecycle. Depending on several political, economic and cultural factors, businesses may grow, remain dormant or see a decline. In fact, any change will bring both a challenge and an opportunity to better the value of your brand or to rebuild it. All of these require brand building activities.

With the brand name growing, the associated responsibilities and expectations also see a rise. We also ensure that there are regular reviews with our Analytics which will both uphold our commitment towards you and ensure that your vision and brand strategy is maintained. With Youfind brand building, we will define, differentiate and maintain your brand. You can focus on your core business and allow us to build your brand!

Modern age demand! - You Find Online Promotion

2016-11-11 14:44:57 | 日記

Irrespective of the fact whether you have already taken your business online or are looking to start your online promotions, you probably accept the fact that online marketing cannot be overlooked! It is crucial for success!

Before the internet revolution, several businesses had no choice but to resort to limited marketing initiatives. Nonetheless, times have changed now, and there are all kinds of opportunities on the internet! Simply select the YouFind online promotion!

It may be absolutely possible that you have no prior experience of marketing online. However simple it may sound, online marketing requires right timing and efforts. Here is why we ask our clients to trust YouFind online promotion to take their businesses online. All you have to do is focus on your own business and leave us to take care of your digital marketing!

At YouFind, we also appreciate the fact that every business may not have hoards of cash to splash on marketing when they are starting up. There are many other effective ways to putting your message forward without utilising too much cash. Every brand needs to accelerate its growth, and for that, you need to enhance your presence online! Online audiences need to be aware and engage with the brand.

We, at YouFind online promotion, will help organise contests, giveaways and such marketing tools which will create excitement around your customers. The online directories are quite the modern day Yellow pages where online audience turn to, to find different business solutions. We will do this to ensure that we place several links to your website in the most watching and best-fit directories!

We embrace social media. Social media is no longer a luxury; it has become imperative for businesses to have a presence on the social media. We will help you create tie-in ads or even present offers on your Facebook page. You can have a direct channel with your customers through Twitter. We also provide blogging services. Not only will your name get its own blog, but blogs can also be a direct link to your customers.

One of the most important tools of YouFind online promotion is search engine optimisation. In a world which is obsessed with organic search, the importance of SEO cannot be left out. We ensure that your site is optimised for the search engines.

It is important to make it easier for your customers to engage with your promotions. It is not necessary to have massive or complex marketing plans, all that is important is having an effective one! An online campaign is not only opening up a Facebook page or having a Twitter account for your brand; there is a strategy needed at every touch-point!

We first begin with understanding your goal. Following this, your audience is understood and analysed. The ideal online promotion campaign is built up by our team, and the evaluation is constantly monitored! Remember, online promotion is coming big and professional support to carry this forward is a requirement today! Trust us at YouFind online promotion and wait for the magic!

morning he had seen two boys

2016-11-03 10:37:18 | 日記

To satisfy Jurgis he had asked the policeman, and brought back the message that the thing was not to be thought of. They had not told this to old Anthony, who had consequently spent the two days wandering about from one part of the yards to another, and had now come home to hear about the triumph of the others, smiling bravely and saying that it would be his turn another day .

Their good luck, they felt, had given them the right to think about a home; and sitting out on the doorstep that summer evening, they held consultation about it, and Jurgis took occasion to broach a weighty subject. Passing down the avenue to work that leaving an advertisement from house to house; and seeing that there were pictures upon it, Jurgis had asked for one, and had rolled it up and tucked it into his shirt. At noontime a man with whom he had been talking had read it to him and told him a little about it, with the result that Jurgis had conceived a wild idea.

He brought out the placard, which was quite a work of art. It was nearly two feet long, printed on calendered paper, with a selection of colors so bright that they shone even in the moonlight. The center of the placard was occupied by a house, brilliantly painted, new, and dazzling. The roof of it was of a purple hue, and trimmed with gold; the house itself was silvery, and the doors and windows red .

It was a two-story building, with a porch in front, and a very fancy scrollwork around the edges; it was complete in every tiniest detail, even the doorknob, and there was a hammock on the porch and white lace curtains in the windows. Underneath this, in one corner, was a picture of a husband and wife in loving embrace; in the opposite corner was a cradle, with fluffy curtains drawn over it, and a smiling cherub hovering upon silver-colored wings. For fear that the significance of all this should be lost, there was a label, in Polish, Lithuanian, and German—"Dom. Namai. Heim." "Why pay rent?" the linguistic circular went on to demand. "Why not own your own home?

Do you know that you can buy one for less than your rent? We have built thousands of homes which are now occupied by happy families."—So it became eloquent, picturing the blissfulness of married life in a house with nothing to pay. It even quoted "Home, Sweet Home," and made bold to translate it into Polish—though for some reason it omitted the Lithuanian of this. Perhaps the translator found it a difficult matter to be sentimental in a language in which a sob is known as a gukcziojimas and a smile as a nusiszypsojimas .