

On the occasion of the new launch

2022-06-13 05:38:30 | 日記

 New Isshin Denshin decided to switch from goo to Ameba purely due to technical problems.

 At the time of the launch of New Isshin Denshin, I wrote that it was a battle of the Japanese honeybee in the midst of transfinite warfare, but I think there were only a few people who could understand it. However, I believe that there are not many people who can understand what I am writing now when I say that we are in the midst of a war of super-limits or hybrid warfare.

 In particular, the worldwide, so-called "covid-19" fiasco that began in Wuhan early in 2020 was the visible beginning of biological warfare. In accordance with the principle of psychological warfare, which is to dominate and control human beings through fear, a super limited war was unfolding before our eyes. The so-called "covid-19" made the whole world fearful and wary, and made many people easily accept the "vaccine" (m-RNA vaccine) without question.

 The goal was to inoculate people, especially military personnel, with the "vaccine. It was nothing short of the sophistry of Sun Tzu's Art of War.

 It was surprising that even the world's military officers, especially commanders, who were supposed to be experts in war, were inoculated with the "vaccine" without giving it much thought. They were caught in the trap of "super-limit warfare," Sun Tzu's Art of War.

 No amount of warnings were heeded, unfortunately. The price and sacrifice will have to be paid with the lives of the people in 2022-2023. But those deaths will not be "war deaths. Even "vaccine" deaths are not acceptable at this stage. This is precisely what makes this war (World War III) unique.

 Media warfare (propaganda warfare), psychological warfare, cyber warfare, biological warfare, electronic warfare, tunnel warfare by special forces, and other forms of warfare that transcend conventional limits are being waged before our eyes, invisibly, and in all kinds of places without limitation of battlefields. The greatest feature, however, is that people do not recognize it as a "war. In this World War III, the battlefield is the perception and psychology of mankind, but the main focus is on the fact that it is not recognized. It is not a falsehood or a false reality, but a falsehood.

 As the war draws to a close, the lies of history will be exposed, and people will be astonished. Japan is no exception. Modern history, at least since the French Revolution, will be turned upside down. At that time, we will be tested as to what we base our actions on.

 The purpose of this blog is to serve as a record.
