とても若干悪魔城化してるが そんなことより!

The Scorpion King: Sword of Osiris

2010-04-18 22:15:35 | YouTube
[GBA] The Scorpion King: Sword of Osiris by Stobczyk 1/7 (Longplay) (10:58)
[GBA] The Scorpion King: Sword of Osiris by Stobczyk 2/7 (Longplay) (10:59)
[GBA] The Scorpion King: Sword of Osiris by Stobczyk 3/7 (Longplay) (10:00)
[GBA] The Scorpion King: Sword of Osiris by Stobczyk 4/7 (Longplay) (10:00)
[GBA] The Scorpion King: Sword of Osiris by Stobczyk 5/7 (Longplay) (10:00)
[GBA] The Scorpion King: Sword of Osiris by Stobczyk 6/7 (Longplay) (10:00)
[GBA] The Scorpion King: Sword of Osiris by Stobczyk 7/7 (Longplay) (09:36)

キャラ絵からして映画のゲーム化か、とScorpion Kingでググッたらアチョーなのがヒットした罠…。


2010-01-06 21:52:34 | YouTube
Switchball, Skyworld, gold medal run (08:54)
Switchball, Iceworld level 1 - 3, gold medal run (05:20)
Switchball, Iceworld level 4 - 6, gold medal run (08:08)
Switchball, Caveworld level 1 - 4, gold medal run (09:27)
Switchball, Caveworld level 5 & 6, gold medal run (08:06)
Switchball, Cloudworld level 1 - 4, gold medal run (09:04)
Switchball, Cloudworld level 5 & 6, gold medal run (04:55)
Switchball, Lavaworld level 1 & 2, gold medal run (10:16)
Switchball, Lavaworld level 3 & 4, gold medal run (08:19)
Switchball, Lavaworld level 5 & 6, gold medal run (09:45)

(・∀・) ワーッ Ballanc...    ザー