


4 コメント

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Unknown (Ratiosu11)
2013-02-27 17:16:54
These draw lines are great Rise.

I will use them as reference to practice how to draw. I am totally a beginner in drawing things.
Unknown (RISE)
2013-03-04 00:54:04

Since these pictures are very ancient times, if they are seen now, they are somewhat shameful.
Unknown (Ratiosu11)
2013-03-04 01:55:36
>> Mr. Rise

Hmm if I am not misunderstanding your reply here. Does this mean you find them embarrased now???
I know that you drawing style change a lot from touhou eternal darkness till now here. Well we can see it clearly.

But I like your old drawing style too. Just keep your good work there ^^.

I am grateful that you showed the outline from touhou Eternal darkness here.
It give me really good practice here. I am still a total beginner in drawing but I hopefully I can learn more how to draw when I am trying to understand your outlines here.

In a way you are my favourite artist, I just find them amazing.
Unknown (RISE)
2013-03-07 23:31:08

Since it looks poor when it sees now, it is shameful.

However, I am glad if these pictures were able to give a help.

