


2009-03-13 14:54:21 | Weblog
KOFU--The district court here Thursday handed a five-year prison term to a "groom" who got cold feet and set fire to the wedding hall where the nuptials were to be held.

Tatsuhiko Kawata would have committed bigamy if he had gone ahead with the ceremony. He married in 1994 and had not obtained a divorce.

The court said that Kawata, 40, doused the hall at the Risonare hotel in Hokuto,募金 Yamanashi Prefecture, with 7 liters of gasoline and set it alight at 2:20 a.m., just hours before the wedding was to take place.

Presiding Judge Yasushi Watanabe called Kawata's action selfish, saying it was intended to buy time to choose which of the two women to be with.(IHT/Asahi: March 13,2009)