#Japan-Korea 新着一覧
The Depths of the Japan-Korea Reversal.
Not for Sale: Kim’s Sister Rejects South Korea's Nuclear Offer.
The Turning Tide in the Comfort Women Debate. (2/2)
The Turning Tide in the Comfort Women Debate. (1/2)
Japan Should Uphold Principles in Dealing with South Korea.
Koreans Called for Removing Comfort Woman Statue in Germany.
Civic Group On Mission to Share Facts, Not Fraud, on Comfort Women Issue Meets Hostility in Berlin.
※Read the Endnotes! Comfort Women Paper was Based on Wealth of Historical Facts.(3)
※Read the Endnotes! Comfort Women Paper was Based on Wealth of Historical Facts.(2)
※Read the Endnotes! Comfort Women Paper was Based on Wealth of Historical Facts.(1)
※Japan’s Stance on a United Korea: Ambivalence or Realpolitik?
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