they are evil humans, so they probably have continued to do those things.
Kukai (774 - 835), one of the great men whose teachings still live on in many Japanese citizens toda
In the end, the Asahi Shimbun killed Shinzo Abe.It is an unforgivable act of barbarism.
This morning, I read the Nikkei first, and naturally, it did not say anything about the...
The Essence of Japanese Harmony as Known by the World's Best.
The following is from a series of columns titled "There is a Saint in the Tea Ceremony," w
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President Putin's ideas seem closer to ancient times than to modern times.
The following is from an article by Hiroshi Furuta, professor emeritus at Tsukuba Unive...
When the Curse of the 'Peace Constitution' is Lifted.
The following is from an article by University of Tokyo Professor Emeritus Sukehiro Hir...
That's all there is to languages.Use the extra time for Japanese language education
The following is from the serial column of Masayuki Takayama, who brings the weekly Shi...
To distract the Japanese public from the reality of the situation
NHK's flagship news programs aired during the golden hour report only pseudo-moralism that...
It is in the national interest to read his book with care.
The following is from the serial column of Yoshiko Sakurai, who brings the weekly Shinc...
The Japanese people must continue to watch Kishida and Biden closely.
For Xi Jinping, the U.S. president is Biden, and the Japanese prime minister, Kishida, ...