Random Memo of the Day


Fried On A Stick - Kushiage

2005-03-14 10:01:18 | English Tokyo Dining
Japanese food is overall healthy. And it is definitely "healthier" than many other cuisines since the main ingredients in Japanese food are vegetables and fish simmered in broth or soup. (Although, Japanese flavoring includes a good amount of sugar. I don't know if this is considered healthy, but i guess the calory and fat count is still low compared to other cuisines.)

There is also a sinful side like anything and everything else in this world. The fried side. Tempura and Tonkatsu are major dishes well known around the world. But today's introduction is Kushi-Age. Which means "fried skewer." Tatsukichi is located in Shinjuku, behind Mitsukoshi. The price is very reasonable. 170 yen a stick. They will first ask you if you have anything you cannot eat. (i.e. Shrimp, Onion, Beef, etc.) Then you will order your drink. That's all. No fuss with the menu. (They have one if you prefer to order from it, but hardly no one does.) Once your stick arrives, you dip it in one of the condiments infront of you: salt, soy sauce, curry sauce, mustard, Japanese style worcestershire sauce. The cook will recommend the right sauce depending on the stick. They will keep offering you sticks until you are full.

The variety of sticks is very abundant. It will be very difficult to try to eat all of the types. They offer in-season vegetables and fishes. If you go in the spring, you can enjoy many spring mountain vegetables. And the vegetables in the fall will be different as well. Oh, and outside the store, there is a board listing the top players. People who had finished an enormous amount of sticks. There are people that actually eat 125 sticks!


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Thnaks for your trackback! (longwood)
2005-03-15 11:33:40



