
Life is a journey to look for and trust myself.  


2012-04-25 20:58:23 | 日記
今日は休みで関東から遊びに来た友達と地元の有名な桜鑑賞スポットへ行ってきました満開の桜で見頃でした久しぶり会った友達とマッタリ大人の花見を楽しんだ感じですI had rest today. Last night my friend came to see me. He was my American college friend who lives in Kanto area near Tokyo. We hanged out too see beautiful sakura(cherry blossom) in my hometown. We could see much fulled flower of sakura through one day. We were very happy and enough then. May be adult hanami(sakura viewing)

また買い物(Shopping again^-^)

2012-04-16 22:52:36 | 日記
先週に引き続き本日休みでした携帯用のスマートフォンの充電器を入れるバックが欲しく、天気も良かったので駅前の店で黒のカジュアル用バックを購入しましたデザイン、機能的にもかなりイケてました Today, I could have rest like last Monday. It was good weather. So, I liked to hang out for shopping. I went to shopping store near station and I bought black casual bag there. The design and function were good for me. I can put mobile battery for my smart phone into the bag. Bring out mobile battery for smart phone is essential for me now. I needed one bag to carry it. It is cool


2012-04-09 22:46:43 | 日記
今日は休みで、小春日和でした先月病院から退院した母親と一緒に駅近くのショッピングタウンへ行きました。スポーツストアでサッカー日本代表の新ユニフォームを拝見、テーマはJapan is all in(結束)です去年の大震災から日本人を励ましてきた言葉である絆を意味していると思います。チームスポーツであるサッカーはall for oneの精神なくして出来ません。去年の自分の足の怪我から、今年に入って母親の病気と災難が続いていますが、今家族の絆が大事であると以前より意識するようになりました。2012年は桜の季節を迎えて、これからが本番です。みんなが一つになって良いことが有りますように I had rest today. So, I went to shopping area near station with my mother who left hospital last month. When we entered to sports store, we watched new uniform of Japanese national football team. The theme was Japan is all in. It means all for one. It is word that gave people who were damaged by heavy earthquake last year courage. Now, my family has some trouble through our life such as my injure and my mother's sickness. However, we must go for new future. Soon, season of sakura in 2012 will come here. We are looking forward to seeing it, Japanese beauty. With mentality of Japanese connection


2012-04-05 13:30:50 | 旅行
先週金曜日の夜はお出かけして東京渋谷のクラブキャメロットで遊んできましたメインのオールミックス、ヒップホップのフロアーに分けられていて音楽の曲調、盛り上がりも最高でしたキャメロットは渋谷のアトムに並び大箱のクラブで、かなり楽しい空間楽しめた感じです地元のクラブにない新鮮な気持ちと完全燃焼で帰ってきました I went to club Camelot of Shibuya, Tokyo last Friday. There were main floor of all mix and sub floor of hip hop. I could enjoy music, space and entertainment too much. I had fresh feeling that I can't get at local club. It was Friday night fever with disney smart phone