
Life is a journey to look for and trust myself.  

紫陽花(Rainy season☔️)

2016-06-25 23:36:48 | 日記
梅雨の季節は憂鬱ですね😵今月は仕事でいろいろあり、まだまだ大変な感じです‼︎今日は休みで両親の家でゆっくりしました綺麗な紫陽花で癒されました🎶Now, rainy season is coming here☔️I was busy working for this month because there was some stuff to doI didn't have job today and I was relaxed in my parents' house viewing beautiful flowerIt was cool time for me👍

東京デート(Tokyo date)

2016-06-07 23:03:24 | 旅行
6月4, 5, 6日の三連休は東京で彼女に会って、楽しんで来ました^_^いろいろな観光名所へ行って、お互い良い時間を過ごせました👍最後の別れは寂しかったですね😢I met my girlfriend in Tokyo because I took rest on June 4, 5 and 6🚅We had great time going to famous spot of sightseeing in Tokyo When I said to good bye to her last time, I felt very sad and lonelyThen, I knew that loving someone for me is very important for my life