Labyrinth of N


2020-09-28 | German Vintage
  WSW Compressor/Limiter | WSW (division of Siemens) 601430S Compressor/Limiter with mods (use PRE3). 1968 vintage. WSW 436511 solid state passive equalizer, also . . . Read more


2020-09-25 | OLYMPIC69   Titan V2 Pre - Helios Type 69 CDSM The Heal Eq 69 EQ/Channel Strip – Helios 69   ------------------- HLQSEバンドがバラバラな69式EQ。ブーストとカットを同時に行うことができます。 . . . Read more

Modern NEVE

2020-09-24 | NEVE
ALEXMFC-GE / Modern Flagship Console  – AMS 88RSR88 / Rupert 88 Console  – RND 5088 A-Meck - Amek 9098prePortik - Rupert Neve Portico 5012preFocus8 - Focusrite Red 8 p . . . Read more