

他院でナス法を受けた後、バーを抜くには(Problems with Incorrect Positioning of Pectus Excavatum Bars)

2024-03-21 16:35:18 | 治療の解説






        図1:正しいバーの入れ方        図2:誤ったバーの入れ方






図3:”W”型に曲げざるを得ない          図4:抜去の際に、心臓を圧迫する

 Many patients request that I correct their chest shapes after they receive surgery at other hospitals. These requests often annoy me, because re-correction of thorax shape is much more difficult than to achieve good results with the first operation. The readers might understand the difficulty, by assuming themselves as carpenters. A client comes to you and says, “I’ve had my house constructed, but I’m not satisfied with it. It’s neither as gorgeous nor as comfortable to live in as I had expected.” The person requests you rebuild the house. I believe you can easily imagine that such correction is much more challenging than building a house from scratch. To deepen your comprehension, I’ll provide more minute explanation by referring to actual problems I’ve encountered.

 A 45-year-old male patient received surgery at a private hospital in Shikoku to correct his pectus excavatum. A correction bar was placed in his thorax in the primary surgery. He requested that I remove the bar. I asked why he didn’t ask the surgeon who had done the initial surgery to remove the bar. The patient said he was not satisfied with the hospital. “In particular”―he said―“The surgeon didn’t pay attention to pain control. I had terrible pain for several days and asked the surgeon to relieve it. However, he only prescribed suppositories. They didn’t work at all!”

 I explained to him, “Some of your ribs and cartilages were bent in the first operation. So, it is natural that you had pain in the previous operation. However, the secondary operation is another story. The shape of your chest wall has already stabilized. Simply removing the bar won’t cause stress on your bones and cartilages. Therefore, it is unlikely that you will have as intense pain as after the initial operation, even if the surgeon doesn’t take enough care. I recommend you ask the surgeon to remove his bars.”

 Nevertheless, the patient insisted to receive operation at my hospital. So, I decided to work on him.  I completed the second operation successfully, but I encountered a minor problem due to incorrect positioning of the bars in the first operation. In my method, I place bars so that the bars rest on ribs at their most anterior points (Figure 1).     

 However, the bar had been supported at points much lower and much more outside than I would place them (Figure 2). When placed this way, the bars aren’t dynamically stable (I’ll explain the reasons in another column). Besides the dynamic instability, placing the bars like in Figure 2 increases the risk in bar removal. In Figure 2, the bar penetrates the thorax at lateral points. The parts of the bar between its ends and these points exist outside of the thorax.

  When surgeons remove correction bars, they first straighten the bar before removing it. The surgeon cannot work on the part of the bar inside of the thorax. It is only the part outside of the thorax that the surgeon can bend. So, the surgeon cannot make the bar completely straight. After being bent, the bar takes a shape similar to that of “W” (Figure 3). This shape is not ideal in removing the bar, because it presses on the heart in the process of the removal (Figure 4). The heart may very rarely be hurt. Nevertheless, I believe even such tiny risks should be avoided.


