

Indys Raiders remade by kids

2012-12-11 18:48:22 | 日記
Indys Raiders remade by kids </figure>

Who's saying what

Hahaha that rolling boulder shot is actually really good!

If Gus van Sant could do a shot-by-shot remake of Hitchcock's Psycho why can't a bunch of 12-year-olds do the same for Raiders of the Lost Ark?

<embed src="" flashvars="m=686500099&amp;v=2&amp;type=video" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="346" width="430">

The kids once energetic and reverent are now much older and their Indy film in lovely early-80s VHS colour replica zenith watch breguet tourbillon fake watches is getting spotted cinematic release and festival screenings. With their passion for film not having abated replica jaeger lecoultre master compressor extreme watch Empire is reporting that the group are capitalising on the interest to shop around a new and original feature. They've fittingly titled their venture Rolling Boulder films. Perhaps their meeting with Spielberg will throw up a few leads?
