


2011-01-12 00:26:03 | LC International
To: 都城ライオンズ
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 2:21 PM
Subject: 桑山卓也帰国について


羽田発AM9:05(全日空603便)→ 宮崎着AM10:50


桑山 博文

Yeoh Khang Linの無事帰国

2011-01-12 00:23:05 | LC International
無事帰国の下記メールが 楊 康 琳 より届きました。
 関係者の皆様 有難うございました。


Dear Mr Uehara,

I have arrived home safely last night. Thank you for taking care of me during my time in Japan. I enjoyed my time there very much.

Could you please help me inform my other host parents that I have arrived home? Thank you once again.

Do keep in touch, and I hope to see you all again.

Yours sincerely,

Khang Lin

From: uk1942@btvm.ne.jp
To: klyeoh95@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: Hi There!
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2011 09:41:08 +0900

Dear Khang Lin

Can you arive at home?
You give us large happiness
We wish you good luck

Yours sincerely,
Kouichi Uehara


2010-12-22 07:03:58 | LC International

President’s Service Blog: A Holiday Message from President Scruggs
December 21, 2010
tags:by Sid Scruggs  International President, relieving the hunger, Sid Scruggs 

.This year has certainly been a whirlwind for Judy and me. We’ve been honored to travel the world representing Lions, but we are happy to be spending the holidays with our children. I know we are blessed to gather around the table with so many loved ones.

When you sit down for your holiday meal, I urge you to remember the less fortunate, who Lions around the world are helping to feed. Our Relieving the Hunger Global Service Action Campaign encourages Lions to plan a food distribution or collection in order to make the holidays brighter for those without enough food to eat.

From my family to yours, I’m wishing you a safe and happy holiday season. May your holidays be filled with joy and love.

に以下にタグを付けます: 飢えを楽にして、シッド・スクラッッグス国際会長


あなたがあなたの休暇中の食事のために座るとき、私はあなたにより少ない幸運な人を覚えているよう訴えます。そして、その人に食事させるのを世界中のライオンズは助けています。Hunger Global Service Action Campaignが適切に食物配布を予定するライオンズまたは収集を食べるのに十分な食物なしでそれらのためにより明るく休みに作らせる我々のRelieving。



2010-12-16 15:12:23 | LC International
Dear Mr Kouichi Uehara,
Hello, I'm Yeoh Khang Lin. I am very happy to have you as my host family for this coming youth exchange program.
As we have yet to receive more detailed information from your side, would it be possible for my family and I to know more about you and your family? Would it be too much for us to also request for a family photo? Thank you in advance.
I am very excited and am looking forward to meeting up with everyone in Japan.
Yours sincerely,Khang Lin


Dear Miss Yeor Khang Lin

Thank you very much for your mail,
We are looking forward to you to come Miyazaki,
My family is I and my wife
I retired from Japn Self Defence Force at the age of 13 years ago , I graduated from Self Defence Academy
We have 3 children who are two sons and a daughter,
The eledest son is Associate Profssor of Utunomiya University, He studiys Facurlty of Educaition,
The youngest son is a doctor, He works JAPANESE FOUNDAITION FOR CANCER RESEARCH,Cancer institute Hospital in TOKYO
My daughter works PIA DIGITAL COMMUNICAITION,She is a Director of Planting Production.
Two sons married and 3 children and a baby will born next spring
We are very happy to have a homestay

Yours sincerely,
Kouichi Uehara

Dear Miss Yeor Khang Lin

I am Kotaro Tanaka of the secretary. I introduce a URL and blog of the Miyakonojo Lions Club. Please refer to it about this trip.
Secretary Kotaro Tanaka