
It's been a long road, getting from there to here.

Day 10 Fri. March 15th., 2019 : This is the advanced version

2019-03-25 23:18:33 | 英会話タイムトライアル2018

Day 10 Fri. March 15th., 2019 : This is the advanced version

let’s get started with day 10 for the month of March.
Okay, let’s wrap up this week with a full conversation over the radio.
This is the advanced version of our conversation.
But the vocabulary is not difficult.
There will be some new twist and turns.
And one more thing today’s conversation will be with Jenny.
That’s right.
You are going to help me shopping drug sore today.
And we have this conversation two times.
The first time challenges your self.
See how many times you can reply.
Okay, let’s have a conversation over the radio together.
Ready start!

Thanks for coming with me to the drugstore today.
1 Sure. Anytime.
So, What’s the name of this drugstore?
2 TIt’s called Mady mart. It’s a big chain drug store.
Oh, what kind of drinks do they have at this drug store?
3 All kind of drinks. 
They have bottled water, tea, soft drinks, and even beer and wine.
Recently they have fruit and vegetables too.
Are you looking anything in particular?
Well, Tomorrow, I’m going to a park with cherry blossoms.
Saku… Is that right? Saku…
4 Almost. It pronounces sakura. These sound sakura.
Sakura. So, when you go see the cherry blossoms what do you drink?
5 If I drink I have a beer.
But if I not, I like to have green tea.
I see. Well, Japanese teas are so good for you.
There is no sugar in Japanese teas, right?
6 Right. A lot of people say Japanese drinks and foods are healthy.
Well, what if it’s cold tomorrow do they have those hot things to warm your hands. Those are little hot things for your pockets.
Do you know what do I mean?
7 Yes. The … the… What cha-ma call it. I’m not sure. They have them now.
Here they are.
Disposable heat pads.
These go in your pockets and keep you warm right?
8 Yeah, they go in your pockets or you can stick them your shirt or your socks.
I’ll get some.
Do you use these often?
9 Only when use. It’s really cold.
Okay, I’ll look around a little more. And then meet you at the register in ten or fifteen minutes, Okay?
10 Okay, take your time.

All right. Time’s up.
Let’s check the sample replies.
Steve will have a conversation with me now.
Listen to how his replies and you use his replies as a hint.
Well, did you understand our conversation?
Now, it’s time to try this conversation one more time.
So, just reply in your own words and give a little help shopping in a drugstore. 
Did you keep the conversation going?

Day 9 Thurs. March 14th., 2019: When you go see the cherry blossoms what do you drink?

2019-03-25 23:16:42 | 英会話タイムトライアル2018

Day 9 Thurs. March 14th., 2019: When you go see the cherry blossoms what do you drink?

Let’s get started with day 9 for the month of March.
First, let’s get warmed up with a question.
When you go see the cherry blossoms what do you drink?
1 I have a cold beer or warm sake.
2 I don’t drink. So, I usually have green tea.
3 It depends.
Okay, you can use these replies or reply in your own words.
Okay, now, you were warmed up and ready for a conversation over the radio.

This is the great way to improve your conversation skills.
So,here is the scene for today’s taiwa karaoke.
You are going to give a little help shopping.
So, you’ll have this conversation with Steve.
Help something to use English and you’ll reply in English.
Have a seven turn conversation as you give a little help shopping at a drugstore.
Let’s go!

Thanks for coming with me to the drugstore today.
1 Sure. I need to buy something too.
What kind of drinks do you they have this drugstore?
2 They have bottled water, tea soft drinks, snacks. too.
And they have Japanese and American energy drinks.
But they don’t have alcoholic beverages.
Tomorrow, I’m going to a park with cherry blossoms.
So, I’ll get some bottled water and tea too.
When you go see the cherry blossoms what do you drink?
3 A lot of people enjoy beer or sake.
So, I usually have green tea.
I see. Well, Japanese teas are so good for you.
There is no sugar in Japanese teas, right?
4 Right. A lot of people say Japanese drinks and foods are healthy.
Well, what if it’s cold tomorrow do they have those hot things to warm your hands. Those are little hot things for your pockets.
Do you know what do I mean?
5 Yes. The … the… What cha-ma call it. I’m not sure. They have them now.
Here they are.
Disposable heat pads.
These go in your pockets and keep you warm right?
6 Yeah, they go in your pockets or you can stick them your shirt or your socks.
I’ll get some. I’ve seen these in the US drugstore.
But I’ve never tried them.
Do you use these often?
7 Only one. It’s really cold.

Day 8 Wed. March 13th., 2019: complimentary

2019-03-23 23:35:03 | 英会話タイムトライアル2018

Day 8 Wed. March 13th., 2019: complimentary
Let’s get started with day 8 for the month of March.
Okay, I’ll say in Japanese and you’ll say in English with in the time limit.
Here we go!

Here is the first one.
1 ギフト包装をしていますか?
Do you have gift wrapping?
Do they have gift wrapping? — このお店で
Another way to say it.
gift-wrap動詞として Do you gift-wrap? 
Here is the next one.
2 無料サービス
Go ahead.
The answer is complimentary
Another way to say is ‘free’.
But the word ‘complimentary’ is very useful.
Now, let’s make a sentence.
3 ギフト包装はサービスですか?
Is Gift wrapping complimentary?
let’s make one more sentence with サービス
4 もうお替わりはサービスではありません
Refills aren’t complimentary anymore.
Oh, that’s a sad day.
Okay, the next one uses word plastic bag.
5 レジ袋は5円です
Plastic bags are five yen.
or Plastic bags cost five yen.
now, let’s try some numbers.
How did you say 225円? Go ahead.
Two hundred five yen.
Now, let’s make a sentence.
6 合計225円です
The total is two hundred twenty-five yen.
Okay, let’s do one more.
7 合計1万2千円です
The total is twelve thousand yen.
Next, reply to our question.
8 What’s the name of the nearest convenience store?
It’s called Quick Quick. It’s not far from here.
9 What’s the name of the nearest drugstore?
It’s called Health 27. It opens 24 hours a day.
It’s called Health 24/7. It opens 24 hours a day.
10 What’s the name of the biggest train station on this train line?
It’s called Higashi station. It’s five-stop from here.

参考サイト ◎http://fujiijuku.net

Day 7 Tue. March 12th., 2019: They Should/might have

2019-03-23 23:34:09 | 英会話タイムトライアル2018

Day 7 Tue. March 12th., 2019: They Should/might have
Let’s get started with day 7 for the month of March.
Today we’re practicing phrases for helping people with shopping.
I’ll say something in Japanese and you say it in English.

1 一番近いドラッグストアはあちらの方です
The nearest drug store is that way.
2 そこでは傘を売っていますか?
They have umbrellas. They sell umbrellas.
3 傘は売っている筈です
They should have umbrellas
4 ミネラル(bottled water)も売っています
They have bottled water
5 何でも売っています
They have everything.
6 でもお手洗いはありません
But they don’t have a restroom.
7 何か食べ物とか置いてあるかも知れません。サンドイッチとか。
They might have some foods like sandwiches.

Okay, how did you do?
Did you try to say each phrase?
That was the round one.
It’s important to try to answer each time.
But you don’t have to get them all right.
Now, we check answers after that you’ll try these 7 phrases one more time.
First, listen to my answers. Here we go!
Okay, did you understand those phrases?
Then move on the round two.
This is your chance to say it even better than before.
You can do it.

It’s time for a ten-second challenge.
So, now, within ten seconds try to reply to my question.
Steve ask you about drugstore.
Drugstore has so many things.
And one thing has drink.
So, here is Steve question.
What kind of drinks do they have at the drug store?
Just answer in your own words.
Try to make at least two or more sentences.
Are you ready?

They have bottled water, tea, softdrinks and even some energy drinks.
But they might not have beer, sake or wine.

Day 6 Mon. March 11th., 2019: someone, In ten minute

2019-03-23 23:32:43 | 英会話タイムトライアル2018

Day 6 Mon. March 11th., 2019: someone, In ten minute
Let’s get started with day 6 for the month of March.
So, this program helps you to use English.
okay, let’s get started with some phrases to help people with shopping.
Let’s begin with the first time trial.
I’ll say something in Japanese and you say it in English within the time limit.

Here is the first one.
1 お店の人を呼んできますね
I’ll get someone.
2 お店の人に聞きますね
I’ll ask someone.
You can use this at the store.
3 レジ
How do you say that in English? Go ahead.
The register
4 レジはあそこです
The register is over there.
5 レジ係
The cashier
6 レジの人が手伝ってくれます
The cashier helps you.
7 10分後
In ten minute
8 10分後にレジで会いましょう
Let’s meet at the register in ten minutes.
9 どうぞごゆっくり
take your time
Okay, here is two more.
10 値段のことは良くわかりません
I’m not sure about the price.
11 クレジットカードが使えるか良くわかりません。お店の人に聞きますね
I’m not sure if we can use credit cards. I’ll ask someone.

Okay, how was your first round?
Did you try to say each one?
Let’s check the sample answers.
And Steve give you some advice.
Here we go!
Okay, time’s up.
Those are some phrases for helping people when they are shopping.