
It's been a long road, getting from there to here.

Day 3 Wed. March 6th., 2019:What are you into? Do you have a hobby?

2019-03-19 19:14:28 | 英会話タイムトライアル2018

■Day 3 Wed. March 6th., 2019:What are you into? Do you have a hobby? 
Let’s get started with day 3 for the month of March. 
Okay, I’ll say something in Japanese and you say it in English.

1 余暇には読書をします
In my free time, I read.
2 時々美術館に行きます
Sometimes I go to an art musium.
3 ヨーロッパのサッカーをフォローしています
I follow Europian football.
4 ミステリー小説のファンです
I’m a fan of mystery novels.
5 高校野球の大ファンです
I’m a big fan of high school baseball.
In Japan high school baseball is big. 
It’s played at a place called Koshien. I’ve been once.
6 父は熱烈なタイガースファンです
My dad is a huge fan of the Tigers.
7 母はバレーボールをフォローしていて日本チームの熱烈なファンです
My mon follows volleyball and she is a huge fan of the Japanese team.

Okay, how was your first round?
Did you try to each one?
Okay, now, you can check your answer with mine.
So, listen closely. Here we go!
Okay, did you understand those phrases?
Now, let’s try these phrases one more time.
We pick up a pace a little in round two.
Do your best. Let’s go!
All right. You did it. Good job.

It’s time for the ten-second challenge.
Here is the question for today’s ten-second challenge.
What are you into? Do you have a hobby?
Try to make at least two or more sentences.
And reply in your own words within ten seconds.
Could you make two or more sentences?

Well, I follow European football.
I’m a huge fan of Liverpool.
I’ve been to a few matches in the UK.
Do you follow European football?

Well, I follow a language program on NHK radio.
I’m a huge fan of Eigo Time Trial.

So, try to replay in your own words.
Let’s try this one more time. 

Day 2 Tue. March 5th., 2019:be so into, be into, be interested in

2019-03-19 19:14:02 | 英会話タイムトライアル2018

■Day 2 Tue. March 5th., 2019:be so into, be into, be interested in
Let’s get started with day 2 for the month of March. 
Okay, let’s practice speaking together.
We’ll begin with the first time trial.
I’ll say something in Japanese and you’ll say it in English.

The first phrase is 
1 初めてです
This is my first time.
It’s my first time.
It’s the first time.
2 ここに来るのは初めてです
This is the first time I’ve been here.
3 仙台は初めてですか?
Is this your first time You’ve been to Sendai?
4 実はバリに来るのは今回が初めてではありません
Actually, this is not the first time I’ve been to Bali.
5 Jpopには興味がありますか?
Are you into J-pop?
Are you into Japanese music, called J-pop? 
6 競馬にはあまり興味がありません
I’m not really into horse racing.
7 クラシック音楽にハマっています
I’m so into classical music.
8 昔は切手の収集にハマっていました
I used to be so into collecting stamps.
9 着物のご購入をお考えですか?
Are you interested in buying kimono?
10 今は考えていません
I’m not interested in now.

How was your first round? Did you try to say each one?
Okay, now you can check your answers with mine.
So, listen closely. Here we go!
Okay, did you understand those phrases?
We’ll try those one more time.
So, try to say it even better than before.
Okay, get ready for round two. Let’s go!

参考サイト ◎http://fujiijuku.net

Day 1 Mon. March 4th., 2019: be good at, be good with ‘得意と苦手’

2019-03-19 19:10:28 | 英会話タイムトライアル2018

■Day 1 Mon. March 4th., 2019: be good at, be good with ‘得意と苦手’ 
Let’s get started with day 1 for the month of March. 
Let’s start a new month with a new theme.
Yearly Review!
This month is a great way the catch-up.
be good at, be good with ‘得意と苦手’
Let’s get started with the first time trial.

1 お上手ですね
You are good.
2 名前を覚えるのは得意ですか?
Are you good at remembering names?
3 昔は卓球が得意でした
I used to be good at tabletennis.
4 父は手先が器用です
My dad is good with his hands.
5 私は手先が器用ではありません
I’m not good with my hands.
6 私は子供が苦手です
I’m not good with kids/children.
I’m not good at entertaining kids. 
I’m not good at taking care of kids. 
7 私は機械に弱いです
I’m not good with a machine.
8 母は機械に弱いです
My mom is not good with a machine.
9 パソコンに強いですか?
Are you very good with computers?
10 数字に強いですか?
Are you very good with numbers?

How was your first round?
How many phrases could you say?
You can check your answers with mine>
And if you have a textbook you can open it up and follow along.
Listen closely>
Okay, did you understand those phrases?
Now, let’s try to say let’s try these 10 phrases.
Okay do your est and try to do even better than besore.
Here is the round two?

参考サイト ◎http://fujiijuku.net