
It's been a long road, getting from there to here.

Day 7, Tue. Feb. 12th., 2019:STIFF, SORE

2019-03-01 22:22:19 | 英会話タイムトライアル2018
■Day 7, Tue. Feb. 12th., 2019: STIFF, SORE
Let’s get started with Day 7 for the month of February.

1 体がとても硬いです・・・Stiffを使って
2 首が凝っています
3 肩が凝っています
4 腰がはっています
5 腰がパンパンにはっています
6 喉が痛いです
7 足が筋肉痛です
8 足が筋肉痛ですか?
9 昨日スキーに行ったので足が筋肉痛です

Okay, how was your first round? Did you try to say each one?
Okay, now, let’s check out the sample answers.
And if you have a textbook you can open it up and follow along.
So, listen closely. Here we go!

1 I’m so stiff.
2 My neck is stiff. I have a stiff neck.
3 My neck and shoulders are stiff.
4 My back is stiff.
upper back:背中 lower back:腰
5 My back is stiff as a board.
My back is as stiff as board.
6 My throat hurt. or I have a sore throat.
7 My legs are sore.
8 Are your legs sore?
My legs aren’t sore now(anymore).
9 I went skiing yesterday, so my legs are sore.

Did you understand those phrases?
Now, it’s your turn to try these one more time.
Try to express it within the time limit.
I’ll pick up a pace a little.
Here is round two. Let’s go!
