
It's been a long road, getting from there to here.

Day 2 Tue. April 2nd. 2019: この辺と近隣 neighbor neighborhood

2019-05-01 20:38:21 | 英会話タイムトライアル2019

Day 2 Tue. April 2nd. 2019: この辺とお隣 neighborhood, neighbor
Let’s get started with day 2 for the month of April.

1 この辺は良い所ですね
(It’s a) nice neighborhood isn’t it
2 ええ、素敵な公園が2つあります
Yeah, there are two nice parks.
3 大きいなスーパーもあります
And there is a big supermarket too. a grocery store.
4 それに緑も沢山あります
And there is a lot of greenery. trees and flowers
5 〜が特に好きです
I really like
6 紅葉が特に好きです
I really like the autumn leaves. a colorful autumn leaves
7 川沿いの桜が特に好きです
I really like the cherry blossoms by the river. along…
8 ご近所さんが大好きです。皆さん良い方ばかりです
I really like the people in this neighborhood. Everyone is so nice.

Okay, how was your first round?
Did you try to say each one?
Okay, I’ll say the sample answers now. So, listen closely.
And if you have a textbook you can open it up and follow along.
Here we go.
Did you understand those phrases?

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