
experimental ambient leftfield wired noise glitch


2009-09-28 17:49:58 | Weblog
[R.A.A.O] "Re-Apocalypse Automatic Orchestra" is an experimental trial using internet functions.This project was started in 1984,by Japanese Artist "SEIEI JACK"(The Joke Project/Re-Apocalypse Project).It consists to join differents artists/musicians in a [R.A.A.O] collaboration program (free Mp3's internet compilation available on Corebackrecords).This project join all kinds of experimental musics:Noize,Industrial,Breakcore,Ambient,Low-fi ... Every persons who whished to participate had only to add [RAAO] samples & loops to their own musical/audio treatment to create their own vision of Apocalypse in a track.

Tracklisting: ( Part 03 )
01:CIRCUIT DAMAGE - Cello Damage (USA)
02:SYCOPHANT PROJECT - Resurrection (USA)
03:KOL SONZLGN - Pjevaj Inframince (Japan)
04:TRANS ATLANTIC RAGE - Side Down Side Incline (USA)
05:OVERDOSE KUNST - Planck long death (Japan)
06:ZOLRAKETHER - Kalm (Venezuela)
07:MALFAKTOR - One By One (USA)
08:BIOASSAY - Where (USA)
Running time: 45mn16


2009-09-17 04:12:12 | Weblog
ファシズム(英: fascism、伊: fascismo)とは、狭義にはイタリアの政治家ムッソリーニが自身の思想に付した名称、および国家ファシスト党(以下ファシスト党)による1922年から1942年までの政治体制をさす。

一般名詞としては、資本主義が脆弱な、ないし危機的な状況にある中にあって、共産主義を排除するのみならず、一切の自由主義、民主主義、平和主義を排撃し、内にあっては極端な国粋主義による暴力的独裁、外にあっては公然たる侵略主義をとる体制を言う。従って第二次世界大戦中のドイツ・イタリアは典型的なファシズム体制であった。またスペイン・ポルトガルなどで見られた全体主義体制もしくは集産主義・権威主義体制、およびそれらの一党独裁政治や翼賛体制、政治的自由活動の抑圧行為等もまたファシズム的要素があるとされている。議会制民主主義の否定・ブルジョア(市民)的自由の否定・一党独裁といったものはソ連型社会主義でも見られる傾向であるが、ファシズムにおいては、私有財産制度や階級制度が制限付きながら基本的に擁護されること、および、君主制など既成勢力や伝統的勢力と必ずしも敵対するものではなく、むしろ民族の神話としてこれを擁護する傾向がある点で区別される。ファシズムは超国家主義(ultra-nationalism)と呼ばれることもある。 日本はドイツ、イタリアと同盟した事からファシズム国家の一員とみなされがちである。統帥権を主張する陸海軍に文民統制が及びにくく、国民がそれを追認した事から軍国主義ではあった。しかし大政翼賛会の大勝や国家総動員法による挙国一致体制がとられたのは第二次大戦が勃発してからであった。また、この戦時体制の首班を勤めた東条英機をして海軍の情報を掌握する事が困難であった事を嘆いており、権力の過集中ではなく過分散が大日本帝国の野放図な戦略の原因であったことが示唆されている。



2009-09-07 19:02:56 | Weblog
Antinomy (Greek αντι-, against, plus νομος, law) literally means the mutual incompatibility, real or apparent, of two laws. It is a term used in logic and epistemology.

The term acquired a special significance in the philosophy of Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), who used it to describe the equally rational but contradictory results of applying to the universe of pure thought the categories or criteria of reason proper to the universe of sensible perception or experience (phenomena). Empirical reason cannot here play the role of establishing rational truths because it goes beyond possible experience and is applied to the sphere of that which transcends it.

For Kant there are four antinomies connected with
the limitation of the universe in respect of space and time,
the theory that the whole consists of indivisible atoms (whereas, in fact, none such exist),
the problem of free will in relation to universal causality
the existence of a necessary being

about each of which pure reason contradicts the empirical, as thesis and antithesis. This was part of Kant's critical program of determining limits to science and philosophical inquiry. Kant claimed to solve these contradictions by saying, that in no case is the contradiction real, however really it has been intended by the opposing partisans, or must appear to the mind without critical enlightenment. It is wrong, therefore, to impute to Kant, as is often done, the view that human reason is, on ultimate subjects, at war with itself, in the sense of being impelled by equally strong arguments towards alternatives contradictory of each other. The difficulty arises from a confusion between the spheres of phenomena and noumena. In fact no rational cosmology is possible.

It can also be argued that antinomies do not highlight limitations in the power of logical reasoning. This is because the conclusion that there is a limitation is (supposedly) derived from the antinomy by logical reasoning; therefore any limitation in the validity of logical reasoning imposes a limitation on the conclusion that there is a limitation on logical reasoning. (This is an argument by self-reference.) In short, in terms of the validity of logical reasoning as a whole, antinomies are self-isolating: they are like scattered discontinuities within the field of logic, incapable of casting doubt on anything else but themselves.

This carefree position is incompatible with the principle of explosion. In mathematical logic, antinomies are patently not self-isolating, and are usually seen as disasters for the formal system in which they arise (as Russell's paradox in Frege's work).