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Merce Cunningham dies at 90

2009-07-28 07:48:37 | Weblog


Merce Cunningham: 1919 - 2009
Renowned choreographer Merce Cunningham dies at 90.
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By Sarah Kaufman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, July 27, 2009; 11:40 AM

Merce Cunningham, the avant-garde choreographer whose unorthodox approaches and discoveries throughout a six-decade career made him one of the most important artists of the 20th century, influencing filmmakers and directors as well as choreographers worldwide, died Sunday night, the Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation said. He was 90.

URUMQI China JULY 2009

2009-07-13 00:25:01 | Weblog
Violence based around ethnicity or race is without doubt, the worst of all mob violence, whether it happens on the streets of the US, South Africa, or China. If a human being cannot rise above it and meet the challenge of tackling the real issues of poverty, unemployment, housing etc. Then he/she is not fit to be accepted by any group. Life is only for resolving the issues as death takes care of all else!!!
tag: Ethnic Violence in URUMQI China JULY 2009

Henry Flynt’s work

2009-07-08 11:29:01 | Weblog
Henry Flynt (born 1940 in Greensboro, North Carolina) is a philosopher, avant-garde musician, anti-art activist and exhibited artist often associated with Conceptual Art, Fluxus and Nihilism.
Henry Flynt’s work devolves from what he calls cognitive nihilism; a concept he developed and first announced in the 1960 and 1961 drafts of a paper called Philosophy Proper. The 1961 draft was published in Milan with other early work in his book Blueprint for a Higher Civilization in 1975. Flynt refined these dispensations in the essay Is there language? that was published as Primary Study in 1964.

In 1961 Flynt coined the term concept art[1] in the Neo-Dada, proto-Fluxus book An Anthology of Chance Operations (published by Jackson Mac Low and La Monte Young) that was released in 1963.[2] An Anthology of Chance Operations contained seminal works by Fluxus artists such as Al Hansen, George Brecht and Dick Higgins. Flynt's concept art, he maintained, devolved from cognitive nihilism, from insights about the vulnerabilities of logic and mathematics. Drawing on an exclusively syntactical paradigm of logic and mathematics, concept art[3] was meant jointly to supersede mathematics and the formalistic music then current in serious art music circles. Therefore, Flynt maintained, to merit the label concept art, a work had to be an object-critique of logic or mathematics or objective structure."[4] It has nothing to do with concept art as the term is used to describe a form of illustration in the realm of the digital arts.

In 1962 Flynt began to campaign for an anti-art position.[5] Thus he demonstrated against cultural institutions in New York City (such as MOMA and Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts) with Tony Conrad and Jack Smith in 1963 and against the composer Karlheinz Stockhausen twice in 1964.[6] Flynt wanted avant-garde art to become superseded by the terms of veramusement and brend - neologisms meaning approximately pure recreation. Flynt read publicly from his text From Culture to Veramusment at Walter De Maria's loft on February 28, 1963 - an act which can be considered performance art.

From about 1980, Flynt has given a great deal of time to two endeavors which did not achieve the notoriety of the early actions: his concepts of meta-technology [7] and personhood theory.[8] In 1987 he revived his "concept art" for tactical reasons; and spent seven years in the art world. Following that period, Flynt began to publish recorded but unreleased musical compositions. Over 10 audio CDs have appeared as of 2007.

Flynt has written broadly on a wide variety of subjects which are available on his website: Henry Flynt: Philosophy

sound art archive - hyperlinks

2009-07-01 07:02:13 | Weblog

weeded for dead-links 12/15/08 - 25 links added.

remember..if you know of something that should be included, or catch a broken link...i'd love to hear from you

sound art exhibits/presentations/discussions
baltic sea biennale for klangkunst 2004, 2006, 2008
tuned city
her noise, south london gallery
festival sonorites
feria de Arte Sonoro
found tapes online exhibition
shut up and listen festival
overgaden sound art festival
sound:space sound art symposium, south hill bracknell, uk
then the silence increased
soundasart, aberdeen
princeton: sonic fragments
the kitchen: new sound new york
the kitchen: invisible geographies
new museum: unmonumental audio
colorfield variations
philadephia ica: ensemble
sonambient 2006
brown: sonic focus 2006/2007
mmaa: sound in art/art in sound
cornell: sound cultures workshop
mcasd: soundwaves - the art of sampling
mamak: noiseless
symposium on sound art
sound travels
the klangkunst preis
sound-art nrw
sound-art mail project
search for sound symposium
portland center for the arts light and sound gallery 2007
portland center for the arts light and sound gallery 2006
silence @ gigantic art space, nyc
pulse field @ gsu
elevator music @ tang gallery - skidmore
quiet please
B!AS internation sound-art exhibition
sounding spaces
ICC - sound-art: sound as media
art/omi sculpture center: sound in the landscape
rhizome: sounds from the rhizome artchive
sculpture center: treble
art in general: rock's role: after ryoanji
art in general: audio in the elevator
centre pompidou: son et lumieÂŽre
mass moca: sound-art
mit list center: son et lumiÂŽre
the mattress factory: visual sound
stadtgalerie saarbrucken: resonanzen I and II
the whitney museum - evo1/bitstreams
ps 1: Janet Cardiff
ps 1: max neuhaus n.b. opens as hypertext file
ps 1: volume bed of sound n.b. opens as hypertext file
cranbrook art museum: harry bertoia
dia center: artists' web projects
gallery 400: between sound and vision
event and it's double
the tang museum: scenes of sound
haus der kunst: tune the world: sound sculptures
the hayward gallery: voiceover
kunstradio-radio art
the user: silophone
kunstradio-social music
walker art center: crossfade