
experimental ambient leftfield wired noise glitch

study of American Naturalism

2009-02-21 17:13:46 | Weblog
Walter Benn Michaels is a literary theorist, known as the author of Our America: Nativism, Modernism and Pluralism (1995) and The Shape of the Signifier: 1967 to the End of History (2004). Michaels’s work has generated a set of arguments and questions around a host of issues that are central to literary studies: problems of culture and race, identities national and personal, the difference between memory and history, disagreement and difference, and meaning and intention in interpretation.

[edit] Biography

Michaels was born in 1948. He earned his BA in 1970 and PhD in 1975 from the University of California, Santa Barbara. Afterwards, he taught at Johns Hopkins University (1974-1977, 1987-2001) and the University of California, Berkeley (1977-1987). Since 2001, he has taught at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

He is well-known for his study of American Naturalism, The Gold Standard and the Logic of Naturalism; American Literature at the Turn of the Century, published in 1987.

Michaels is a renowned teacher. His article "Against Theory," co-written with Steven Knapp, is included in the Norton Anthology of Literary Criticism.

He is currently Professor in the Department of English, at the University of Illinois at Chicago, where he served as Head from 2001-2007.

[edit] Ideas

In Our America, he argued that 1920s American nativist modernism was the “research and development” phase of an identitarianism that came to dominate twentieth century American ideas. Linked to this thesis was his argument that nativist modernism established our strategy for answering the question of which culture we should have by determining first what our race was. As he put it, “the idea of cultural identity ― despite the fact that in recent years it has customarily been presented as an alternative to racial identity ― is in fact, not only historically but logically, an extension of racial identity” (Michaels, “Response”). Central to the book was its contention that the notion of cultural identity, and identity as such, had become not a description of a group’s actual practices and values, but rather the object of an essentialist ambition of becoming what you already were.

Michaels’s critique of identity continued in the decade that followed, especially in his next book The Shape of the Signifier. This book, like his previous one, proceeded by revealing the shared logic between what were supposed to be antithetical political positions. What did it mean, the book wondered, that a liberal thinker like Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. and a multiculturalist like Toni Morrison were both interested in redescribing history – something that has to be learned – as a kind of memory – something you experienced? What did it mean, furthermore, for Paul de Man and other poststructuralists to focus on the “materiality of the signifier” – what words look like or feel like at the expense of what they mean – a focus they seemed to share with contemporary literary writers like Kathy Acker and Brett Easton Ellis and with contemporary science fiction writers like Kim Stanley Robinson? What these strategies shared, the book went on to suggest, was an emerging primacy of the subject position, a primacy that rendered the question of who you were – your identity – as more important than what you believed. The war on terror, of course, has only completed this emergence, rendering obsolete, as Francis Fukuyama and Samuel P. Huntington seemed to say, any question of ideological disagreement about capitalism and social organization. Because in the war on terror, as President Bush has put it, you’re either for us or you’re against us – and with, in other words, the “evildoers.”

The speed of Michaels’s logic proceeds through powerful readings of the homologies and simultaneities of what are supposed to be important differences. Like some other notable political theorists (such as Nancy Fraser), Michaels suggests that the language of identity has displaced an argument about economic inequality – that we now have a politics of recognition, but not a politics of redistribution. Such has been the argument of his 2006 book The Trouble with Diversity: How We Learned to Love Identity and Ignore Inequality, which stresses that America is too preoccupied with issues regarding race at the expense of those involving class.


2009-02-16 17:02:42 | Weblog
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Homi K. Bhabha

2009-02-09 16:14:26 | Weblog
Homi K. Bhabha (born 1949) is an Indian theorist of Post-colonialism. He currently teaches at Harvard University where he is the Anne F. Rothenberg Professor of English and American Literature and Language and Director of the Humanities Center.
Bhabha was born into a Parsi family from Mumbai, India. He is an alumnus of St. Mary's High School (ISC,1967-68), Mazagoan, Mumbai . He graduated with a B.A. from Elphinstone College at the University of Mumbai (formerly University of Bombay) and a M.A. and D.Phil. from Christ Church, Oxford University.
After lecturing in the Department of English at the University of Sussex for more than ten years, Bhabha received a senior fellowship at Princeton University where he was also made Old Dominion Visiting Professor. He was Steinberg Visiting Professor at the University of Pennsylvania where he delivered the Richard Wright Lecture Series. At Dartmouth College, Bhabha was a faculty fellow at the School of Criticism and Theory. From 1997 to 2001 he served as Chester D. Tripp Professor in the Humanities at the University of Chicago. In 2001-02, he served as a Distinguished Visiting Professor at University College, London. He has been the Anne F. Rothenberg Professor of English and American Literature and Language at Harvard University since 2001. Bhabha also serves on the Editorial Collective of Public Culture, an academic journal published by Duke University Press.
Bhabha's work in postcolonial theory owes much to poststructuralism. Notable among Bhabha's influences include Jacques Derrida and deconstruction; Jacques Lacan and Lacanian psychoanalysis; and the works of Michel Foucault.[1][2] Additionally, in a 1995 interview with W.J.T. Mitchell, Bhabha stated that Edward Said is the writer who has most influenced his thought.

a highly acclaimed

2009-02-08 17:17:12 | Weblog
Ustad Amjad Ali Khan
Ustad Amjad Ali Khan (born March 21 1946) is a highly acclaimed Indian sarod player and composer.
[edit] Early life

Khan was born to Hafiz Ali Khan, is the sixth-generation sarod player in his family and his ancestors have developed and shaped the instrument over several hundred years. His forefathers came from Afghanistan to India's relaxed music atmosphere and brought the Rabab which later developed into Sarod.

The modern sarod has undergone modifications to improve its tonal quality, notably from Ustad Allauddin Khan and his brother Ustad Ayet Ali Khan of the Senia Maihar Gharana.

Khan was taught by his father Hafiz Ali Khan, a musician to the royal family of Gwalior; he was born to the Gwalior Bangash lineage rooted in the Senia Bangash School of Music and is the sixth generation inheritor of this lineage.

[edit] Career

Khan has developed a unique style of playing the sarod. The key innovations in his style are compositions based on vocal music, the technical ability to play highly complex phrases (ekhara taans), at times with ascending or descending volume scales on the sarod spanning three octaves with equal emphasis on the composition.

There are two schools of sarod playing – one in which the strings are stopped by the fingertips and the other in which the strings are stopped by the finger-nails of the left hand (as practised by Amjad Ali Khan). This is what makes the clear ringing sound and is one of the things that makes it so difficult to play. Khan is also noted for producing a wider variety of sounds on the sarod using bends up to 7 notes by sliding across the fingerboard. Khan has also stated that this extended bends is an advantage over fretted string instruments like the sitar.

Khan uses the traditional sarod minus Allauddin Khan's changes to the tuning and string configurations. The only modern trait that he has adopted into his instrument is the round drum of the resonating chamber (the traditional sarod has two jod and chikari strings and 11 tarab strings). His base frequency is also lower than the other schools. His instrument is made by Hemen Sen of Kolkata, who also makes the sarod for other leading maestros such as Ustad Ali Akbar Khan.

Amjad's playing places much emphasis on percussive right-hand plectrum work characteristic of the Afghan rabab-based idiom of the early sarod players. His chief innovation are his ekhara taans (complex high speed staccato passages), something which many sarod players find very difficult to do. Paraphrasing his words "I asked my father why the sarod could not keep up with sitar when it came to taans....my father explained that the sarod was a much more difficult instrument to play, not having frets ... it is then I resolved to develop a style where I could match sitar like taans...".

Khan has had a successful career spanning over 40 years and continues to be one of the busiest classical musicians in India.

Neue Deutsche Welle

2009-02-05 18:20:25 | Weblog
Neue Deutsche Welle (New German Wave, often abbreviated NDW) was a genre of German music originally derived from punk rock and New Wave music.[1] The term "Neue Deutsche Welle" was first coined by journalist Alfred Hilsberg, whose article about the movement titled "Neue Deutsche Welle ― Aus grauer Städte Mauern" ("New German Wave ― From Gray City Walls") was published in the German magazine Sounds in 1979.

* 1 History
* 2 Notable bands
o 2.1 Underground
o 2.2 Mainstream
* 3 External links
* 4 See also
* 5 References

[edit] History

The history of the Neue Deutsche Welle consists of two major parts. From its beginnings to 1981, the Neue Deutsche Welle was mostly an underground movement with roots in British punk and New Wave music; it quickly developed into an original and distinct style, influenced in no small part by the different sound and rhythm of the German language which many of the bands had adapted from early on.

The main centers of the NDW movement during these years were Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Hannover and Hagen as well as, to a lesser extent, the Frankfurt Rhein-Main Region, Limburg an der Lahn and Vienna (Austria).

From about 1980 on, the music industry began noticing the Neue Deutsche Welle; however, due to the idiosyncratic nature of the music, the focus shifted to creating new bands more compatible with the mainstream, rather than promoting existing bands. Many one-hit wonders and short-lived bands appeared and were forgotten again in rapid succession, and the overly broad application of the "NDW" label to these bands as well as to almost any German musicians not using English lyrics, even if their music was apparently not influenced at all by the 'original' NDW (including pure Rock bands like BAP or even Udo Lindenberg) quickly led to the decay of the entire genre when many of the original musicians turned their backs in frustration.

Around 1983/1984, the era of the Neue Deutsche Welle came to an early end, following the oversaturation of the market with what was rarely perceived as stereotypical, manufactured hits.[citation needed]

A revival of interest in the style in the Anglophone world occurred in 2003, with the release of DJ Hell's compilation New Deutsch.[2] The NDW has come to be acknowledged as a forerunner to later developments in dance-punk, electronic body music, and electroclash.

In the 2000s the term is being used by the Berlin-based rap label Aggro Berlin to describe a supposed new German rap movement that they claim to be a part of. This was the subject of Aggro-signed Fler in his 2005 single Neue Deutsche Welle.

[edit] Notable bands

[edit] Underground

* Abwärts
* Andreas Dorau
* Andy Giorbino
* Daälbers
* Die Unbekannten
* Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft / DAF
* Fehlfarben
* Grosse Freiheit
* Grauzone
* Ja Ja Ja
* KeinMenscH!
* Kosmonautentraum
* Liaisons Dangereuses
* Malaria!
* Male
* Mittagspause
* Palais Schaumburg
* Der Plan
* Pyrolator
* Saal 2
* Stahlnetz
* S.Y.P.H.
* Sprung Aus Den Wolken
* Die Tödliche Doris
* The Wirtschaftswunder
* Die Zimmermänner
* Xmal Deutschland

Note: Many of the underground groups were commercially successful; the dichotomy between underground and commercial NDW-groups has more to do with differences in sound, presentation and attitude.

[edit] Mainstream

* Alphaville
* Andreas Dorau
* D.E.F.
* DÖF ("Deutsch-österreichisches Feingefühl": Joesi Prokopetz, Manfred Tauchen, Annette Humpe)
* Extrabreit
* Falco
* Felix De Luxe
* Foyer des arts
* Fräulein Menke
* Gänsehaut
* Ideal
* Ixi
* Geier Sturzflug
* Grauzone
* Hubert Kah
* Jawoll
* Joachim Witt
* Markus
* Nena
* Neue Heimat
* Nichts
* Nickerbocker & Biene
* Paso Doble
* Peter Schilling
* Relax
* Spider Murphy Gang
* Spliff
* Steinwolke
* Trio Trio preferred the label Neue Deutsche Fröhlichkeit ("New German Cheerfulness") to describe their music.
* United Balls

[edit] External links


* IchWillSpass.de - Die Neue Deutsche Welle im Internet
* Punk-Disco - Discographies of many german punk and NDW bands.
* Back Again – many Infos about NDW Bands
* NDW CDs and DVDs at Amazon
* Ich will Spass! Das Musical mit den Hits der Neuen Deutsche Welle


* NDW: The Definitive English Language Resource

[edit] See also

* Dance-punk
* Synth punk
* Electropunk