
リーマンが不正会計操作 連邦破産裁判所が調査結果公表

リーマンが不正会計操作 連邦破産裁判所が調査結果公表




Findings on Lehman Take Even Experts by Surprise


Over hundreds of pages, Mr. Valukas details the genesis of and the process behind Repo 105. Based on standard repurchase agreements ― short-term loans commonly used by many firms for daily financing needs, in which borrowers temporarily exchange assets in return for cash up front ― Lehman took a particularly aggressive accounting approach to these transactions.

Here, the investment bank used repos to temporarily park assets off its books to make its end-of-quarter debt levels look better than they did ― while calling them sales instead of loans.


The accounting tactic, first used by Lehman in 2001, had one catch, according to Mr. Valukas: no American law firm would sign off on its use.

Enter Linklaters, a highly respected British law firm that gave Lehman the answer it wanted. So long as the repos were conducted in London through the bank’s European arm, and so long as the company took other cosmetic steps to make these transactions appear to be sales instead of financings, Linklaters determined that they would pass regulatory muster.

監査人であるErnst & Youngも、会計上の不正があるという内部通報にもかかわらず、この取引を容認していました。Ernst & Youngのスポークスマンは、破綻前の最後の決算である2007年の監査には問題ないと述べていますが、SECの元チーフアカウンタントは、このような問題事項をリーマンの監査委員会に提示する責任を果たさなかったとして、Ernst & Youngを批判しています。

Lehman also had the backing of Ernst & Young, which certified the bank’s financial statements despite receiving warnings from a whistle-blower who said there were accounting improprieties. An Ernst & Young spokesman said on Thursday that the firm stood by its work for 2007, the last year it conducted an audit of Lehman’s financial results.

But Lynn E. Turner, a former chief accountant for the S.E.C., accused Ernst & Young of abdicating its responsibility to the audit committee of Lehman’s board by not presenting the concerns.

The Origins of Lehman’s ‘Repo 105’


Named after a technical aspect of the gimmick, the accounting sleight of hand helped Lehman temporarily remove about $50 billion of assets from its balance sheet, helping to make it look better than it really was.


Repo 105 involved Lehman using a variety of holdings as the collateral. (Alphaville has a breakdown of what the firm allowed for these transactions.) The counterparties were limited mostly to the following banks, according to the examiner’s report: Barclays of Britain, UBS of Switzerland, Mizuho Bank and Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group of Japan, and KBC Bank of Belgium.

今のところ、このような会計処理が不正な処理だとは決まっていないようですが、報告書の中では、非常にミスリーディングな会計処理であり、告訴されうるバランスシート操作である(“materially misleading” accounting and “actionable balance sheet manipulation.”)と批判を受けています。







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