What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome

Secret code that Master Kukai taught me.

~Joyful for Life and Breeze for Earth~

2011-02-14 11:31:31 | What's the truth of the Kagome Kagome


Every person on the Earth

Forgives people, loves people,

Forgives himself and herself, loves himself and herself,

Does not blame the people,

Hand in hand, help each other

And, no worries

A world where we can live in the light of calm and love

Our ancestors must have dreamed of these things.

The year 2011, when we entered the darkest age before dawn.

The time is approaching, and he is saying, "Disclose it to the world"

And... "We don't have time, hurry!" he also said. Yes, he is the Master Kukai.



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