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Betelgeuse in Orion, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and Corona Shock

2020-03-17 06:06:06 | 日記


Tuesday, 17th of March, 2020

We are very grateful that a lot of people attended our publications conference seminar of the “The theory of Yamatai Kingdom representing Orion”, despite the difficult time because of the coronavirus.

 We really appreciate it.

Yamatai Kingdom was designed by representing the constellation Orion, and the tomb of Jesus Christ was built in the position corresponds to the Betelgeuse, the brightest red in Orion. 

The Betelgeuse began to darken rapidly in the latter half of October last year, and a supernova explosion was feared. But it may have bottomed around 10th of February and turned brighter.

If the dimming of Betelgeuse was linked to the current outbreak of the new coronavirus and its spread, then there may be bright signs in the pandemic declared corona shock. 

The resurrection of Jesus Christ seems to end the world's corona shock. 

The resurrection of Jesus Christ will start with the people in the world get to know and recognize the fact that the true tomb of Jesus Christ is located at the summit of Minamioda, Kamikawa-Town, Kanzaki-Gun, Hyogo Prefecture, which responds to the location of Betelgeuse in the Yamatai Kingdom which was designed to represent the constellation Orion.

The proof ofthe true tomb of Jesus Christ is that there is a heart-shaped hillnext to the tomb and huge geoglyphs of a pair of menorahs in Kamikawa-Town. 

If you forcibly make an attempt to make Jerusalem a holy place, you will incur the wrath of Gods. 

The Corona Shock this time teaches us that.

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