人的サービス Jinteki Service


Gifu / Mount Dogamine

2020-10-04 17:39:04 | 日記

Mount Dodogamine ( 百ケ峰山)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./Place:The Mount Dodogamine is located to the north of Mount Kinka./Mount Dodogamine is 417,9m in height making it the tallest mountain in the City. The mountain's small valley includes Matsuo Pond and Hagi Falls.Reaching the summit,There are six routes for reaching the summit ...../Date and Time:2020.10.4.13:00pm~17:00pm./











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Gifu/ English Conversation in Movies

2020-10-04 07:23:05 | 日記

English Conversation in Movies ( 映画で英語)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./Lectuer:Mr.Shuichi Ito:( Do you understand ? ):Do you get it ? / You got it ? / Yes,I do./Yes,I did./ Yah./ Ok./Say it again./ Would you say it again ? / Do you hear me ? /I guess so./ I think so./ I hope you understand what I meet./ Listen./ Listen to me. / Listen to me carefully./ Are you sure ?/( After you ):This way./ This way please./Follow me./ Watch it./ Watch your steps./ Be careful ! / Have an eye./ Come over here./ I am coming./ Take seat./ Please sit down./ Freeze./Hold it right there./( Excuse me ): Pardon./ Padon me./I beg your parden./ Sorry./( Let ): I guess so./ I think so./ I hope you understand what I meant./Listen./ Listen to me./ Listen to me carefully./Are you sure ?/Date:2020.10.4./

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Gifu / English Lesson

2020-10-04 07:00:00 | 日記

English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./ Lectuer:Ms.Mieko Onogi:Simple English:( come ):My wife's birthday is coming soon./Some typhoons come to the Philippines every year./The Korea president came to Japan last week./A crazy idea came to mind./" Please come to our party now. " " Ok,I'm coming."/Mary came to love Japanese dishes./How did you come to that condusion?/In New York business always comes first./The picture came out very well./Is your birthday coming soon ?/Come:Came:Come:/ Date:2020.10.4/

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Gifu / Today's Saying

2020-10-04 06:52:17 | ことわざ

He who sups with the devil should have a long spoon.

( ずるい人の交渉や付き合いは、気を許さないで常に知恵を働かせ。)

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Gifu / English Lesson

2020-10-04 06:22:14 | 日記

English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Gifu Prefecture,Japan./Lectuer:Ms.Fumiko Shichi: Basic Phrese :My English isn't good enough./Give me five more./ Calm down and everything will be Ok./I appreciate it./It's your turn./I'll cross my fingers./ That's weird./I'm glad to meet you./May I take a message? /I'm leaving./Can I ask you a favor ? /I was too nervous./ Is someone sittinghere ? /It's gone./I prefer tea to coffee./Nobody knows./ I'm not in the mood./Did you brush your teeth ? /It was love at first sight./How can I get to Roppongi ? /Where did you buy that ? /How much for all of these? / What are you talking about ? /I'm going on a diet./I want to watch more TV./You decide when./All done./ Who is he like ? / It's about me./Never mind./Is that your partner ?/Are you serious ? / This has a strong flavor./Is it on you ? /Why me ?/Date:2020.10.4/

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