西表島おさんぽ気分&NEST Iriomtoe 日々の出来事♪


Iriomote Island Kayaking Waterfall Tour♪

2012年04月11日 | 西表おさんぽ気分ツアー日記/西表島カヌー・カヤックアウトドアツアー
On 9th April, we went to Pinaisara Waterfall with Piessevaux Family
from Belgiun. Travel around Japan for two weeks.
Another custermer was Christine from Germany. She is an Artist.
Her trip is tow month in Japan. I envy her.

What a international tour today.

11years old Alix and 10 years old Lucas were very cheerful.

We enjoyed Kayak&Treak very much.

Lucas caught a lizard.

Top of waterfall~

Basin of waterfall~

Nice Picture Smile~

Look for soldier crab at Hunaura bay.

Thank you very much. It was very nice day.
I enjoyed tour very much with you.
Have a greate Holiday
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