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2009-09-08 17:48:26 | Weblog
Obama Breaks Out Campaign-Style Rhetoric for Health Care

As President Obama gets ready for his address before a joint session of Congress Wednesday, he riled up his base by giving a rousing speech to union workers, where he made it clear he's ready to step out of the sidelines and fight for health care reform. He abandoned his patient, professorial approach and began doing what many Democrats have been begging for months: stake out positions and defend them with short, simple sound bites. "Security and stability for folks who have health insurance, help for those that don't," he said, "the coverage they need at a price they can afford." He told the supportive crowd of union workers that it was time to stop debating and start acting. There was lots of applause when Obama spoke up in favor of the government-run insurance plan. Meanwhile, Sen. Max Baucus, the chairman of the Senate finance committee, distributed a draft of his proposal over the weekend that, as expected, doesn't include a public option. The New York Times has the most details on the Baucus plan that advocates imposing fees on insurance companies as well as others in the health care industry. It would also expand Medicaid and offer a cheaper catastrophic insurance option for those under 26.

Read original story in The Wall Street Journal | Tuesday, 8 Sep 2009


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