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2009-04-28 05:45:19 | Weblog
[Today's Newspaper] fom [The Washington Post]

WHO Raises Global Threat Level As Reports of Swine Flu

Confirmed Cases Double in U.S.

By Rob Stein and Debbi Wilgoren
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, April 28, 2009; 8:48 AM

CONTINUED FROM news/notes20090428f

The White House, meanwhile, said Mexican authorities did not notify U.S. officials about the swine flu issue in advance of the president's April 16-17 visit, "but we have no reason to believe they withheld any information they had at the time," and U.S. officials praised the Mexican response. "To date Mexican authorities have been exceptionally cooperative and forthcoming," White House homeland security adviser John Brennan said. "There's been very strong cooperation."

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters that he is confident that the administration is ready to handle the crisis even though dozens of key public health and emergency response jobs in the administration remain vacant.

"Our response is in no way hindered or hampered by not having a permanent secretary at HHS right now," Gibbs said. "Dr. Besser and thousands of people both at CDC and throughout HHS are responding to this. . . . We feel confident with the team that is there now."


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