GreenTechSupport GTS 井上創学館 IESSGK

GreenTechSupport News from IESSGK

news/notes 2009.03.04

2009-03-04 22:38:41 | Weblog

[Born This Day] from [Britannica]
Miriam Makeba
South African singer Miriam Makeba, one of the world's most prominent black African performers of the 20th century, was born near Johannesburg this day in 1932 and introduced Xhosa and Zulu songs to Western audiences.

[On This Day] from [Britannica]
1933: Inauguration of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt
On this day in 1933, in the midst of the Great Depression, Franklin D. Roosevelt was inaugurated as the 32nd U.S. president, and later he led the country out of the Depression and to victory in World War II.


[English] Technical English<-->Japanese Translation

[Engineering] Calculation Across All Fields; DOC & CALC(Excel & Word)

Autodesk Products; Adobe Products

[Education] English; Mathematics; Physics; Calculator; Excel; Access

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