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2009-05-07 06:24:26 | Weblog
[Today's Papers] from [Slate Magazine]

Stress Test Results Not That Stressful

By Daniel Politi
Posted Thursday, May 7, 2009, at 6:43 AM ET

CONTINUED FROM news/notes20090507f

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said there should be a large-scale study to examine the possible impact of legalizing and taxing marijuana for recreational use in California. The proposal to use marijuana to help the state with its budget woes isn't new, and no one thinks it has much of a chance of becoming a reality anytime soon, but legalization advocates say the simple fact that Schwarzenegger seems willing to discuss the issue is important. "What stands out about Gov. Schwarzenegger's comment is not that he thought it, but that he said it," the executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance said. "There has been enormous fear at a political level about saying out loud and on the record that we should think about this."


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