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2009-05-28 08:10:27 | Weblog
[Today's Paper] from [Slate Magazine]

A New Counter-Terrorism Role for the FBI

By Daniel Politi
Posted Thursday, May 28, 2009, at 6:35 AM ET

CONTINUED FROM news.notes20090528g

The WP fronts, and the WSJ goes inside with, word that the White House is getting ready to recommend to Congress that there should be a single regulator to oversee the banking sector, which would replace the numerous agencies that are currently in charge and failed to prevent the financial crisis from getting out of control. The move would be part of the White House efforts to overhaul the regulation of the financial markets that would include creating an agency to watch out for risks in the financial system and another that would protect consumers of financial products. Officials are optimistic that lawmakers could approve a plan before the end of the year.

Nobody fronts news out of Baghdad, where a roadside bomb killed a U.S. soldier and four Iraqi civilians yesterday. At least 20 American soldiers have died in Iraq so far this month, making it the deadliest since September, when 25 died.

The NYT devotes a front-page look at how "the hug has become the favorite social greeting when teenagers meet or part these days." Hugging is nothing new, of course, but apparently teenagers have taken it to such an extreme hat they're hugging one another all the time, not just at the beginning or end of a school day. Some even feel peer pressure to hug more as there's no more differentiation between genders, either. Boys hug other boys without trepidation—something that African-American boys and men have been doing for decades. Parents are often puzzled by the custom, particularly since it's often not accompanied by any other kind of greeting. "No hi, no smile, no wave, no high-five—just the hug," said a parenting columnist for the AP. "Witnessing this interaction always makes me feel like I am a tourist in a country where I do not know the customs and cannot speak the language."


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