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2009-06-30 19:13:56 | Weblog
[Biography of the Day] from [Britannica]
June 30
Lena Horne
Lena Horne, an American actress and civil rights activist who first came to fame in the 1940s and starred in such films as Cabin in the Sky (1942) and Stormy Weather (1943), was born in Brooklyn, New York, this day in 1917.

[On This Day] from [Britannica]
June 30
1934: Night of the Long Knives
On this date in 1934, in the “Night of the Long Knives,” Adolf Hitler had summarily executed many leading officials of the SA, a Nazi paramilitary group that marched in rallies and carried out violence against opponents.

1974: Soviet dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov defected from the U.S.S.R. while on tour in Canada.

1960: Zaire, formerly Belgian Congo and now the Democratic Republic of the Congo, declared its independence from Belgium.

1908: An enormous aerial explosion, presumably caused by a comet fragment colliding with Earth, flattened approximately 2,000 square km (500,000 acres) of pine forest near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River in central Siberia.

1893: The Excelsior diamond—which, weighing 995 carats, was the largest uncut diamond ever found to that time—was discovered in the De Beers mine at Jagersfontein, Orange Free State.

1859: Jean-François Gravelet, known as Blondin, crossed Niagara Falls on a tightrope that was 335 metres (1,100 feet) long and 49 metres (160 feet) above the water.

[Today's Word] from [Dr. Kazuo Iwata]
June 30
We live under a system by which the many are exploited by the few, and war is the ultimate sanction of that exploitation.
Harold J. Laski (born this day in 1893)



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