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2009-09-07 04:03:06 | Weblog
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[environment >10:10 climate change campaign]
Brown turns down heat and Mandelson gets on his bike to support 10:10
Politicians pledge to make lifestyle changes as part of campaign to cut emissions by 10% by the end of 2010

James Randerson, Monday 7 September 2009 23.42 BST Article history

Gordon Brown will be turning the heating down in Downing Street; Lord Mandelson plans to cycle more; Oliver Letwin is installing solar water heating and Nick Clegg is considering eating less meat.

These are among the lifestyle changes revealed by senior politicians from across the political spectrum as part of their pledge to the 10:10 climate change campaign, which requires cutting emissions by 10% by the end of 2010. The 10:10 campaign, which launched last week at London's Tate Modern, has signed up nearly 13,000 people as well as numerous hundreds of businesses, organisations, universities and schools. The entire cabinet and Tory front bench have pledged to do their bit for the campaign.

The prime minister said he would turn down his central heating by one degree, ensure his appliances were not left on standby and recycle more. "It is these small changes that, if everyone does them, will make a big difference," Brown said, "With fewer than 100 days until [UN climate talks in Copenhagen], this is a great opportunity to show we are all prepared to take action."

Mandelson, who is often criticised by environmentalists for placing business interests above green concerns, said: "To reduce my carbon footprint, I am going to cycle even more, look out for a smart meter [and] stop leaving the TV on standby."

He pointed out that he has not owned a car for years and, referring to the protest by Leila Deen in March, he added, "I've been engaged in the low carbon agenda for years, long before that misguided young lady threw a cup of slime on me."

The opposition has also pledged to cut emissions. Oliver Letwin, who chairs the Conservative party's policy review, said he was in the process of installing solar water heating and he had already fitted low-energy light bulbs.

Grant Shapps, the shadow housing minister, uses a real-time energy meter to monitor how much electricity he is using. Caroline Spelman, the shadow communities secretary, said she had already double glazed her home, replaced conventional light bulbs with energy-savers and increased the thickness of her loft insulation.

Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrat leader, said: "The 10:10 campaign is one of those fantastic initiatives encouraging people now to take action before it's too late."

He is considering cutting down his meat consumption, using the train more, using his laptop instead of his desktop computer and switching to a greener taxi company.

The energy and climate change minister, Ed Miliband, said he planned to use a home energy monitor to flag up when he had left equipment switched on. "That could mean a cut of between five and 15%. It won't just save CO2, it'll save cash too," he said.

The 10:10 project, which hopes to replicate the grassroots success of 2005's Make Poverty History campaign, is led by Franny Armstrong, the director of this year's eco-documentary The Age of Stupid. It is supported by the Guardian and has attracted a coalition of public figures and companies including the online supermarket Ocado, city law firm Slaughter and May, energy company E.ON, chef Delia Smith, author Ian McEwan, DJ Sara Cox and actor Colin Firth..

[Environment > Climate change]
Japan's new prime minister promises ambitious greenhouse gas cuts
Yukio Hatoyama seeks to reduce CO2 emissions by 25% below 1990 levels by 2020

Justin McCurry in Tokyo, Monday 7 September 2009 13.57 BST Article

Japan's new prime minister, Yukio Hatoyama, has promised to make ambitious cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, months before world leaders meet for crucial climate change talks.

Hatoyama, who will take office next week, said Japan would seek to reduce CO2 emissions by 25% below 1990 levels by 2020, but said the target would be contingent on a deal involving all major emitters in Copenhagen in December.

"We can't stop climate change just by setting our own emissions target," he said at a forum in Tokyo. "Our nation will call on major countries around the world to set aggressive goals."

Hatoyama will discuss the initiative, which is far more ambitious than the equivalent 8% cut unveiled by the outgoing government in June, at a UN meeting on climate change in New York this month.

Connie Hedegaard, Denmark's minister for climate and energy, described the plan as a bold step forward. "For a long time, everybody has been waiting for everybody else to move in the negotiations. Japan has taken a bold step forward and set an ambitious target. I hope this will inspire other countries to follow suit."

The commitment places Japan firmly among countries committed to aggressive CO2 emissions cuts, despite mounting opposition from business and industry groups, which claim the measures will put jobs at risk.

"We have concerns about its feasibility in view of the impact on economic activities and employment, as well as the enormousness of the public burden," said Satoshi Aoki, the chairman of the Japan automobile manufacturers' association.

Harufumi Mochizuki, the outgoing vice minister of trade and industry, said Hatoyama had chosen a "very tough road ahead for the Japanese people and economy".

Hatoyama said his plan would create jobs in sectors such as renewables and manufacturing amid an expected rise in demand for solar energy, home renovations and energy-efficient cars and consumer electronics.

"There are cautious people who worry that it will hurt the economy and livelihoods, but I think it will change things for the better," he said.

To help achieve the reduction, Japan will create a domestic emissions trading market and introduce a "feed-in" tariff – financial rewards for industries that expand their use of renewable energy sources.

The Copenhagen talks will be dominated by attempts to persuade China, India and other big emerging economies to sign up to emissions targets.

Kim Carstensen, the head of the WWF's global climate initiative, said: "The decision by an important player such as Japan to do more and get serious about low carbon future can help break the deadlock between developed and developing countries.

"The climate negotiations are at a critical point and we need urgent progress to get a fair, ambitious and binding deal in Copenhagen."

The target brings Japan, the world's fifth-largest emitter of greenhouse gases, alongside the EU, which is committed to a 20% cut by 2020 from 1990 levels and 30% if other nations agree to match the target. But it is still at the lower end of the 25-40% cuts recommended by the UN climate change panel.

Hatoyama will have to reconcile his bold initiative with election pledges to eliminate road tolls and petrol surcharges.

As host of the Kyoto summit in 1997, Japan is keen to reposition itself at the forefront of the battle against climate change. Its emissions rose 2.3% in the year to March 2008, putting its 16% above its 2012 Kyoto target.

Yvo de Boer, the head of the UN climate change secretariat, said: "With such a target, Japan will take on the leadership role that industrialised countries have agreed to take in climate change abatement."


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