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2009-12-30 14:44:53 | Weblog
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[News > Politics > Conservatives]
John Gummer to quit as MP to focus on international climate change campaign
Former Tory cabinet minister announces he is to step down at the election in order to play a leading role in a pan-European campaign to tackle global warming

Will Woodward and agencies, Wednesday 30 December 2009 10.31 GMT Article history

John Gummer, a former Conservative cabinet minister and one of the party's most staunch environmentalists, has announced he is to quit the Commons to join a new international campaign to combat climate change.

He said the collapse of the Copenhagen talks had forced him to rethink his longstanding plans to contest his Suffolk Coastal seat, which he has represented, with boundary changes, since the 1979 election which brought Margaret Thatcher into power. He was also MP for Lewisham West from 1970-74.

Gummer is to play a leading role in as-yet-unrevealed pan-European campaign on climate change, which will be launched next month.

"I had every intention of staying on," he told the Guardian today, but said he had his mind changed by "the collapse of the Copenhagen talks and then the pressures from other people that we have got to do something about it".

The departure of Gummer, who co-chaired the party's "quality of life" policy group with Tory candidate Zac Goldsmith, weakens the "green" presence on the Tory benches. He said he had discussed his departure with David Cameron before Christmas. "I am quite sure the future of these [green issues] are in safe hands with him. He is totally committed, but not everybody internationally is."

Gummer's departure will make Kenneth Clarke, assuming he retains his safe Tory seat at the next election, the sole surviving Commons representative of the "Cambridge mafia", a group of high-octane Conservative brains from that university which made it to the cabinet. Michael Howard is standing down and Lords Brittan, Lamont and Fowler have already left.

Gummer was party chairman under Thatcher, agriculture secretary under her and John Major, and then environment secretary for four years from 1993. He is possibly most famous, or infamous, for trying to feed his daughter Cordelia a beefburger to convince the public it was safe from mad cow disease.

His son Benedict Gummer is now Conservative candidate for neighbouring Ipswich, held by Labour's Chris Mole with a 5,332 majority but a swing seat vulnerable to a Tory challenge.

In a statement Gummer said: "Since the very disappointing results of the Copenhagen negotiations, I have been forced to rethink my plans for the future. In discussion with colleagues in the rest of Europe and the United States, as well as with international NGOs, I have realised that I cannot commit myself to the work that they believe has to be done and continue to serve my constituents as I would want.

"The things that I am urged to take on will demand a good deal of absence from home, which is simply incompatible either with the inevitably heavy legislative programme of a new parliament or with attendance at the many constituency functions upon which I have always laid great stress.

"During the 35 years that I have had the privilege of being a member of parliament, I have always put my constituency work first and I am not prepared to skimp on it now. It is therefore with very great sadness that I have decided it is simply not possible to contest the next election and still promise the kind of service that my constituents have rightly grown to expect."

More than 120 MPs have said they will step down at the next general election and many more are expected to go before the general election campaign starts. Many departures are directly or indirectly due to the outcry over MPs' expenses. Gummer attracted some criticism for claiming £9,000 in gardening expenses, including £100 a year to remove moles from his country estate.

Gummer said: "Climate change is not only a crisis without historic parallel, it is an urgent political threat. We will never win this battle if we diminish people's lives or preach at them. The threat must not be used as an excuse for unnecessary state direction and control.

"Instead, it is all of us, as citizens, entrepreneurs, and consumers, who will make change happen. Politicians and campaigners have to enable that change: they must unleash the power of the free market; they must harness the skills and innovation that drive it; and they must create the opportunities for competition to deliver new answers to this entirely new challenge.

"Those of us who have any chance to influence the course of events, even in a small way, have simply to make that our first priority, however difficult the choice."

[News > World news > Australia]
Western Australia wildfires destroy 40 homesTwo major blazes scorch more than 13,000 hectares of forest and farmland
Associated Press, Wednesday 30 December 2009 12.50 GMT Article history

Wildfires possibly sparked by fallen power lines have roared across part of Western Australia, destroying almost 40 homes and sending hundreds of people fleeing for their lives. At least three people were injured, officials in the state said.

Two major blazes broke out yesterday in a farming district north of Perth, forcing the evacuation of the township of Toodyay and threatening a second town, Badgingarra, further north.

The two fires scorched more than 13,000 hectares (33,000 acres) of forest and farmland before cooler conditions helped hundreds of firefighters contain them.

The state's premier, Colin Barnett, released emergency funds by declaring the fires a natural disaster. He praised those who fought to bring them under control.

"There is no doubt they saved lives last night," Barnett said after visiting burned-out homes in Toodyay. "If you saw the destruction, houses were totally destroyed and people were got to safety by the emergency services."

The state's fire authority said at least 37 houses were destroyed.

Two firefighters were treated for smoke inhalation and a third was treated for a heat-related illness. Farmers reported dead livestock. The extent of the damage was still being assessed, said Allen Gale, a spokesman for the emergency services.

Police said fallen power lines were likely to have sparked the Toodyay blaze, since there were no other possible causes in the area.

The managing director of electricity supplier Western Power, Doug Aberle, told national broadcaster the ABC that an independent investigator would head to the scene on Saturday. "If it's determined that it's caused by our negligence we will be paying compensation as appropriately determined, as we always do," he said, expressing his sympathy to the victims.

Wildfires are common across Australian during the summer months but rarely claim so many homes.

In February Australia experienced its worst fire disaster on record when hundreds of blazes raced across the south-east of Victoria state, killing 173 people and destroying more than 2,000 homes in a single day.


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