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2010-01-14 05:08:51 | Weblog
[Top News] from [REUTERS]

[Green Business]
Wojciech Moskwa
Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:13am EST
Most Norwegians want Arctic drilling study: survey
OSLO (Reuters) - An industry-backed survey published on Thursday shows most Norwegians favor an impact study that could pave the way to open a pristine, fish-rich Arctic area to oil activities and prolong Norway's energy boom.

The oil industry says the waters near the Lofoten and Vesteraalen islands in the Arctic now have the most prospects off Norway and must be tapped to prolong the North Sea state's oil bonanza as output from mature oilfields declines.

Environmentalists say that any spill in the unspoiled region would be disastrous for its diverse eco-system, which includes unique cold water reefs, pods of sperm whales and killer whales, some of the largest seabird colonies in Europe as well as being the spawning grounds of the largest cod stock in the world.

A number of opinion polls over past months suggest that Norwegians are split nearly down the middle on Arctic drilling and the issue was a major theme in last year's general election.

The survey by pollster Synovate, carried out for the oil industry lobby group OLF, shows that seven out of 10 Norwegians want the authorities to conduct an impact study of how oil and gas exploration would affect the Lofoten region.

"For us, this is a confirmation of our position that the impact assessment is reasonable," OLF chief Gro Braekken said in a statement publishing the results of the survey.

Two small parties in the government -- the Socialist Left and the Center Party -- are against drilling, but the main Labour Party has not yet made up its mind.

Labour awaits the results of seismic scans of the region which indicate the potential size of oil and gas resources to be found. Norway's main trade union LO, Labour's traditional ally, backs the project, saying it could create jobs.

The government is expected make a decision on drilling off the Lofoten and Vesteraalen islands in 2010, although it has vowed not to open up the area until at least 2013.


Environmentalists said the survey is part of the oil industry's campaign to win over the divided public.

"The survey does not ask the real questions: should drilling happen if all the competent Norwegian scientific bodies advise against it? And is an impact assessment needed when all these scientific bodies already advise against drilling there?" WWF Norway chief Rasmus Hansson told Reuters.

The survey also showed that eight out of 10 Norwegians believe the oil and gas industry will have great significance for development in northern Norway, which has large fishing and tourism sectors.

The survey, conducted on December 1-11 on a representative sample of 1,307 adult Norwegians, shows that 85 percent of the population have a very good or fairly good impression of the oil and gas industry. Almost as many believe the industry has given Norwegians increased standard of living.

Norway invests most of its oil and gas revenues in an offshore wealth fund, which has grown to around $450 billion.

The funds are earmarked for pension payouts when oil and gas production winds down, giving Norwegians security about their future welfare and a tangible benefit from oil exploration.

The oil and gas sector accounts for about a quarter of Norway's GDP, a third of government revenues and half of the affluent Nordic country's exports.

Norway's oil output has dipped to 2 million barrels a day from highs around 3.5 million early last decade, but gas output has risen. Present forecasts show production tapering off slowly over the next decades unless major new resources are tapped.

Exploration drilling in past years has not proven any "elephant sized" fields off Norway, although a number of interesting finds were proven near existing North Sea platforms, which may make developments cheaper and easier to bring on line.

(Editing by Anthony Barker)

[Green Business]
Duncan Miriri
Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:09am EST
Kenya plans open-ended green energy fund: government
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya plans to launch an open-ended green energy fund in the next fiscal year to step up generation of environmentally friendly energy, a senior government official said on Thursday.

A reliance on hydro dams for electricity in east Africa's biggest economy has often led to blackouts whenever rains fail and growing demand has stretched state utility firms and the infrastructure they have installed.

"To address those challenges, we are turning to green energy. Kenya cannot depend on hydro because of our climatic hydrology conditions," Geoffrey Mwau, economic secretary at the Ministry of Finance, told Reuters.

The official said the government was setting up an open-ended fund to help firms and other institutions to generate clean energy and manufacture energy-efficient light bulbs and other appliances.

The fund will lend to viable projects at concessional rates while the second will be a trust fund for training and research in a country that holds huge potential for renewable energy like geothermal, wind and solar.

"The loan facility will provide concessional loans to companies and other institutes that want to invest in green energy," he said, adding the money would be disbursed through approved commercial banks.

Target firms include large electricity consumers like cement makers and other large manufacturers. Athi River Mining, the country's third largest cement maker, is already installing power generation plants.

"The trust fund will help with technical assistance, development project proposals," he said.

The length of the facility is also indefinite, he said, adding the government was likely to commit about 2 billion shillings ($26.52 million) into the fund.

"The facility will be financed by the government of Kenya and a consortium of development partners... There is going to be money for that in the budget for the next financial year," Mwau said.

Donors who have already shown interest include the French International Development Agency, Germany's Kfw, World Bank Britain's DFID, and Japan's JICA, he added.

"Those are in already. They buy the idea. The government of Kenya will contribute at least 10 percent of the facility," the official said.

Mwau said the initiative, which was initially slated for launch by last month before a prolonged drought caused its delay, would help the country add 2,00O MW of electricity by 2012 besides other benefits.

"We are contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gases emissions so some of these projects will even earn carbon credits," he said.

He added the fund also had the potential to create jobs and improve the lives of the urban poor through their involvement in collecting refuse for energy generation.

"Using biomass and other solid waste, we can generate up to 600 MW in Nairobi," he said.

($1=75.40 Kenyan Shilling)

(Editing by Ron Askew)


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