I like soccer very much. Did you watch the soccer game last night on TV?
No, what happened? (いいえ、何かあったの?)
Japan national team won the game. (われらが日本代表が試合に勝ったんだ。)
What was the score? (得点はどうだったの?)
The score was three to two. The kicker scored a goal in the last three seconds. (3対2だよ。キッカーが最後の3秒でゴールを決めたんだ。)
Really? Who did they play against? (本当?対戦相手は?)
They played against SWISS. I’m a real soccer fan. How about you?
I like soccer, too. But I like baseball better than soccer. (私もサッカーが好きよ。でもサッカーより野球の方が好き。)
( ^^)/[ ● ] ♪
Imperial era 2678 year