雨の記号(rain symbol)

From an interview with “Girls’ Generation” (Seohyun edition)

From an interview with “Girls’ Generation” (Seohyun edition)

Seohyun: “We still need all nine members.”

Biography → Date of birth: June 28, 1991 Seoul
Real name: Seo Joo-hyun & height: 168cm, blood type: A
Position within the member: Lead vocalist (solo singer/MC)
[Academic background] Currently studying at Dongguk University Department of Theater and Film
2008 Guest singer for the band “Roommate”

★ --- Tastes are divided about the title song.

``Some people think it's good, and some people think it's weird. We were the same way. When we first heard it, we didn't know what song it was, and we weren't sure which part was the point. Each member's opinion was also different. But the more I listened, the better I got.'' (Seohyun)

★-- It's been a while since he's been involved in a team activity, so he seems to be feeling fresh.

"Although we were active separately, we always spent time together for SM Town performances and Girls' Generation performances. We always talk on messenger until the battery runs out. When I host 'Music Core,' fans gather together. I missed seeing the nine of us on stage. I wanted to go on stage as soon as possible.'' (Seohyun)

★ - Her childhood is already 6 years old. Looking back on the past.

"My schedule was really busy and there were many good times, so I didn't notice the time passing. Every time I enter a new year, I feel like I'm being reborn. Sometimes I'm so busy that I wonder, 'Who am I?' I feel fulfilled. It feels like I’ve spent six years there.” (Seohyun)


Japan and South Korea seem to be the only countries in the world that believe that blood type has a significant influence on personality and temperament, but South Korea is the only country other than Japan where my blog is read. It seems that there are occasional accesses from other countries, but I think people who have traveled from Japan or Korea are accessing it from their destinations. The basis for this is that there was a large amount of access from the North American region during the Vancouver Olympics. The access was probably from people who went out to watch the Olympics.

The reason I started talking about blood type is because Seohyun is the only member of Girls' Generation whose blood type is A. She is the most solid of the members, and for some reason it seems fitting that she is type A, as she is a model student.
She's likely to be criticized, saying, ``What, she's trying to fit into a mold and see people?'', so I'd like her to hurry up and appear in the series B-Type Three Girls.
The three type B girls are Yuna, Jessica, and Sunny.
Haha...I guess there's something going on with the antagonistic relationship between type A and type B (there's also type O and type AB)...If you're thinking this, you'll have an idea of what's coming next. Maybe.

When Jessica appeared on a TV show, she mentioned Seohyun as the person who is the least compatible with her.
Jessica said, ``We have completely different tastes in food,'' adding, ``Me and the other members like junk food and hamburgers, but Seohyun only eats vegetables and sweet potatoes that she prepares herself.'' No,” he continues.
Jessica may have tried to get her laugh by drawing the other members to her side and purposefully isolating her Seohyun. However, although it is clear that she has no malicious intent, her words and actions are harsh. Since she is in the entertainment industry, I think the members tolerate her rough language to a certain extent when she appears on the show. However, a characteristic of Type B people is that their behavior can be easily misunderstood (although if they hit the mark, people will think of them as interesting).
Strictly speaking, no matter what kind of food Seohyun likes, it doesn't matter to anyone. Even if Jessica feels that Seohyun is weak, she probably doesn't understand why from Seohyun's point of view.
It is also known that when Seohyun saw Sunny eating a hamburger, she said, ``You won't live long if you eat that kind of food.'' To an outsider, it might have looked like advice, but to Seohyun, it was nothing more than an honest opinion or impression.
She doesn't know how Sunny reacted when she heard this, but she is very interested in what exactly the scene was like. I can't believe Seohyun would say something like that without any reason. Knowing what she was going to say, Sunny intentionally ate it in front of Seohyun to make it look delicious...
However, Seohyun is good friends with Yuna even though they both have blood type B. There are many scenes where the two are together. It's strange and I'm curious as to why the mischievous Yoon-ah gets along so well with Seohyun, but one possibility is that Yoon-ah understands Seohyun very well. A characteristic of type B people is that they may appear rugged at first glance, but they can also be nervous. This ability is fully demonstrated when it comes to those with whom he has close affection.
Up until now, the mischievous Yuna may have been reading the other person's temper and playing pranks on them. For Yuna, Seohyun may have been a younger sister who was too cute to play pranks on, even though she was close to her age, but she ended up in this situation. On the other hand, how would Seohyun deal with such Yoona? Didn't she ever feel envious of her free-spiritedness?
I would like to know more about that.

--The final winner is a good person (Seohyun's favorite quote)

Although he insists on his own ideas, he has a strong sense of camaraderie and never forgets consideration for others. These words suit Seohyun.

★--About the members.

"After all, we need all nine members. I think the energy is different when there are all nine members. When there are nine members, even in a difficult situation, it doesn't feel difficult. I hope that the energy of each person will come together and create a big synergistic effect." Seohyun)

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