雨の記号(rain symbol)

From an interview with “Girls’ Generation” (Tiffany edition)

From an interview with “Girls’ Generation” (Tiffany edition)

Tiffany (the more time passes, the more wonderful her childhood becomes)

Biography → Date of birth: August 1, 1989
Place of birth: USA
Real name: Stephanie Huang & height: 162cm, blood type: O
Position within the member: Lead vocalist (solo singer/MC)

★--What kind of reaction was the most impressive after the album was announced?

"I read US Billboard magazine and MTV reviews. I was moved by the part that said, ``2013 started with a higher level of music.'' It must have been a heavy burden, but I came out with a fresh song.''The reaction was good.It was a satisfying feeling.'' (Tiffany)

★--What was the most difficult time?

"The most difficult time was when the release of 'Dancing Queen' was postponed four years ago. At that time, there were a lot of girl groups coming out, and I was thinking of establishing myself with this song. Suddenly, there was a blank, and now... All of my preparations and expectations disappeared, and I didn't know what to do.I was deeply hurt at such a young age.At that time, I felt like, ``We only have members.''(Tiffany)

★ ---How do you spend your free time?

"We eat, chat,and have fun playing games. Sometimes we play games until 4 a.m. Any bread, which is popular these days, is also popular among the members." (Tiffany)

★ ---Aspiring Spice Girls who have been active for 16 years

``No matter how many years pass, we believe in each other that if there is something we need to unite and tackle, we will rush to it without hesitation.As time passes, we will show you how our girlhood becomes more beautiful. I want to"


Her nickname is "Pani". Her catchphrase when introducing herself is "Tiffany shines brighter than jewels."
Her special skills are English and flute playing. Since she was born and raised in America, she speaks English like a native speaker.
She is the lead vocalist of Girls' Generation. She takes advantage of her English proficiency and her natural cheerfulness to play the role of mood maker on stage with her raps and other acts.
Her family (her father, brother, and sister) live in America. Her mother died of an illness when she was in her first year of junior high school.
After that, she decided to pursue a career as a singer.

--What led to Tiffany's debut?

"When I was living in America, my older brother encouraged me to go for an audition. It was at a festival. I went there and didn't get selected, but I received a lot of her business cards."

--Why did you choose your current agency out of so many business cards?

``That's when I learned about K-POP.The first singer I heard about was BoA's senior, and I thought, ``This is BoA's agency,'' so I left her family and moved to Korea three weeks later.''

``I was at a time when I was alone and wondering what to do.It was about two years after my mother passed away (in my third year of junior high school), and I was really worried about where I should go.Even though I didn't realize it at the time, I didn't do that, but I dabbled in all kinds of things...But it was music that gave me joy.''

However, her dream of Tiffany did not come true easily. There is also an episode in which she cries and obtains forgiveness from her father, who strongly opposes her decision to go to South Korea alone.

``My father and I have grown a little apart since I started working...We haven't talked much lately.When I look back on the time I spent with him, I don't understand why there was so much time.'' It wasn't. It's been eight years since I came here, so that's why it's so hard."

Tiffany smiles as she gently wipes away her tears with her pretty fingers.
She spreads her innocent brightness from the stage, and she continues to captivate the audience even today, but there is also a loneliness lurking in the depths of her singing voice.
Her singing voice may also contain a message for her father.
"People all over the world are listening to my songs. Dad, I'm so happy right now."

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